
I think it took until about the 5th mention of "grassland" before I realized the poster is definitely trolling, ah how lovely.

Having read through a few other threads on this post, either you have some kind of massive love affair with "grassland" or you're just fucking with us bored-at-work commentators. On the positive side, I think your inane questioning about beautiful grass has gotten a pretty full explanation of why hosting events at

It's pretty clear you don't gaf about the history. Do you think that giving revisionist owners lots of $$ and publicity by hosting a retreat there supports it though, even if just implicitly? I do.

And it's a white woman's place to decide that a former slave plantation is an inclusive and safe place for all people to "grow"? You really don't see the issue with using a location closely tied to slavery, with owners who are slavery-apologists? I think there is a big problem with people using other people's painful

Really? I guess you do have a point, I've always been annoyed Anne Frank's house isn't available for parties because Amsterdam is just SO pretty and the location is GREAT.

Pretty much! It's like she read that hashtag and thought "these are some great ideas!"

Ani DiFranco's non-apology is one of the shittiest I've read in a LONG time - she's like the poster-child for terrible white feminism. Her basic point can be boiled down to "black feminists complained in a way that made me uncomfortable and that's not ok, and terrible things happened everywhere so I can't be expected

I never figured it out either, just spent a lot of time with tweezers in the bathroom, trying to work out some way of whittling them down. I have a standard, very minimal amount of tweezing I do now - those hairs are more fine and peripheral though. If I go into the main part of my eyebrow it's like pulling teeth.

Yes. I am very familiar with this kind of behavior as well, I think your advice is spot-on.

Nooo! They're the only thing about me I'd even dare to compare to hers... don't will them off my face!

I just want to offer a counter-argument here because your line of thinking is often what those in abused relationships use to justify their partner's behavior. This comment isn't so much for you, Josh Lewis, but for anyone who reads your comment and thinks it's a legitimate counter to the idea that they may be in an

No no no no! The bleached eyebrows are too unusual/specific to become a norm (I THINK) but my biggest fear is the ultra-thin eyebrow lines coming back. You know, the plucked beyond recognition then redrawn with a pencil look? This tormented me throughout high school - I've got Cara Delevigne-style eyebrows and always

This was really losing its luster as I was questioning its usefulness, UNTIL your comment. This shower is going on my pinterest board!

And probably a conspiracy theorist with a lot of guns, unfortunately.

I didn't make that one up, I probably read it here at some point! Or somewhere. But by god if I'm forced to actually find a citation I'm going to throw a huge temper tantrum. I get that same lol-to-deep-depression feeling when I read it too though.

Not the ultra-conservative white boy branch of American libertarian. They're mostly very strongly anti-choice - government so small it fits in your uterus!

I am pretty sure that the second Lululemon pants touch public transportation they explode.

"I am taking my toys and I'm LEAVING, losers! ps - no abortions for teh ladies." - Rand Paul

LOL - and you better not need a big band size!

I agree! I am loving the replies :) I wish I was more active on twitter...