
Got it! Luckily they are out of my price range, so no standing-pants for me!

This is true - you can move, but only if your thighs don't touch when doing so. If you need to work out in order to achieve this unattainable goal, better get thee to Target for some fat workout pants.

I'm sure somebody though "well, let's call 'Indians' sexy - that's not racist! And then we'll just get a tan white girl to show how sexy white ladies can be if they are just the 'right' amount of sexy brown!" It's just racist on about a bazillion levels.

So basically, standing in one spot and being very thin is really the only way to wear Lululemon pants?

Oh no, Rich Juzwiak it was. I used to read his FourFour blog religiously.

I just feel bad for the Teen Moms girls, I feel like there's lots of exploitation and sad family dynamics going on there. It's not any better, but I don't feel angry at them so much as angry at everything around them. Cat Marnell, on the other hand, just sucks all the way. No excuses.

I understand now! I feel a strange compulsion to comment on all Cat Marnell posts even though, in reality, I should ignore them - so I get it. It's bad! I clearly go straight to the "irrationally angry" part when I read things she's actually written or said, though.

Rich's association with her breaks my heart.

PS - I apologize for my overly-snarky tone. Cat Marnell brings out the worst in me! What I should have said is: she reminds me of horrible people I used to know, and I dislike her for glamorizing it.

She's terrifying and hilarious, I guess, if you've never actually known an addict/narcissist in real life. She's just not that interesting, but I guess enough people have never been closely involved with cokeheads who love themselves to want to read about her shit?

Whyyyyyyy. Why!!! There are so many people out there thinking and writing useful thoughts, but she gets book deals and this fairly long interview that's mostly a critique of Girls for being too downmarket and an ode to/takedown of prescription drugs? My god. I shouldn't even be commenting on this.

Hell yeah, I second you on all of this comment! Especially the part about doing stuff for you that you couldn't do around him - I know exactly the type of guy, and it's so important to just indulge in all of that.

I just want to tell you I read that link from the hairpin religiously when going through a really painful break up a few years ago - it helped so much. I honestly think those kinds of articles are what kept me going, and kept me from feeling that empty sense of loss for so long like I had with previous breakups.

I saw Vanilla Ice at the airport once. It was GREAT. He was at the passport desk and explaining why he was in the country (I think it was a Dancing With the Stars type thing) and he had a lot of tattoos.

Australia has higher rates of skin cancer because they wear shoes too often and hate themselves.

The thing about people like this is that they refuse to acknowledge that when people did not use medication/vaccines, life expectancy was much, much lower. Infant mortality was much much higher. Unless you're ok with dying around age 35 and your child dying before age 2, you shouldn't be pushing this shit. I would put

Ah yes. Unless you are a pilot, you should be sure to stare directly into the sun.

  • If you choose to home educate your child you can always hire some home help in the form of a native speaking cleaner or nanny to increase your child’s exposure to the language and ask that they only speak with the child in their language.

As long as you insist it will help you bond more fully with your child and also help you install car seats correctly.

Just dig one end into the soft, fertile earth and clamp the other end onto your child's face. Instant realignment. No more self-hate.