
My neurologist says I need to wear sunglasses most of the time, although that's because of migraines. Maybe I should be looking into curing my "Invalidating the self. Self-criticism. Fear." instead.

She has just kind of made up her own explanations for everything, based on slight grains of truth, and is dogmatically sticking to them because "it just makes sense". It's horrible! She, along with conspiracy theorists, are why I always think we need media literacy and critical thinking as part of standard curriculum

:( I wonder what she would do if her child were actually seriously ill? She seems privileged and crazy enough to go completely the other way and start demanding her child be the first once seen at the ER.

I think so - I mean, I like my share of "natural" crunchy stuff too, but there's something about this blog that takes it to such an extreme/smug/dangerous level. It feels like she's willing to risk her kid to satisfy some competitive need to be the most natural.

Harnessing the power of the Earth for healing (and chipped teeth). Honestly, even ONE child psych class would clear this up for her, but I don't think she believes anything except what she's already made up. Her brain is natural, therefore it is always right.

I suppose when she lets her child chew on a metal chain to realign his electrons during an asthma attack CPS will have to get involved?

Not at all surprising. She was ridiculously self-righteous about having "no medical professionals" at her birth. She's never seen anyone with polio, so wtf is the point of vaccines? She's never seen anyone die in childbirth at home, so wtf is the point of doctors?

When is the medal ceremony? She wins. She is the best mom! Ever!

That's definitely a good point... reading things meant to scare you is kind of playing with fire as far as triggers are involved. And to be honest, this one might have had a disclaimer on it and I read it anyway (I didn't want to go back to check) so I can't say I was being entirely sensible as someone with

What a jerk. It's like he said "you think I'm a sexist asshole? I'll show YOU sexist asshole!!" and is just really going for it.

I don't know if that was the one, but that sounds super freaky too! The one that got me *I think* claimed to be "true" (although I think they're all just really good creative writing in actuality) but it was basically a DV-stalking scenario that ended in murder. I think it's one thing if it's ghosts (ghost stories

Oh my god, some of the stories from last year totally freaked me out. I remember that one very well! I loved reading some of them, but a few were definitely too much for me! There was one from last year that featured domestic violence as well that I actually continue to have a lot of trouble with - I'm kind of

That's what I figured. I've read a few overviews of it and "Christian" has so many abuser red flags - the fact that it's such a popular book and one of the few socially acceptable forms of erotica/porn for women is really upsetting.

I think there is still a strong belief that "career" is just what we women use as a time-killer before we can get married and our real lives can begin! They're genuinely confused why she'd continue to care now that she's achieved the ultimate lady-goal.

UGHGHHHGHGHHGH. I am so sorry people felt like they could say that to you, that's horrible. I used to have colleagues like that and it was really hurtful and inappropriate the things they'd say to me about my relationship (just dating, not engaged - the horror!). I think weddings/engagements can really bring out the

I used to see that nearly every weekend in college in the midwest, it was INSANE.

Totally! I think any kind of showboating proposal is ridiculous and cheesy and manipulative. I'm sure there are people who do like them (I doubt Kim had any issue with Kanye's giant stadium proposal!), but to me they're pretty embarrassing.

Oh, if that were the case I would absolutely watch it - triggers be damned!