
Ugh. I had been hoping the difficulty of finding a male lead would mean the 50 Shades... movie wouldn't get made after all. I refuse to read it because I'm pretty sure it would be triggering for me, but from what I do know it seems like it glorifies an intensely unhealthy and controlling relationship - and is really

Ugh. I'd be so pissed. Obviously the producers (and her boyfriend) assumed that getting engaged/married is the TOP priority in any woman's life, so any annoyance she'd have at not getting to talk about her accomplishments would be overshadowed by the joy of getting married. Blah.

No, I get it. I was trying to make a point that it's all just silly rankings of other people, deeming some "losers" and some "winners" is pointless and not something I really believe in. I get what people are trying to say about achievements and improving your circumstances, but I think there are better ways to say

What? I honestly don't understand how you got that from my comments. What does it matter if someone is a loser or not, what does "being a loser" even mean to someone above the age of 15?

That's absolutely not the problematic part of your statement, and I pretty clearly pointed out what was. All I'm trying to say is that saying people who have sex 1 or fewer times per week are complete losers is an unnecessarily cruel personal statement and really detracted from your point. Maybe it was a joke, but it

I think most reasonable people can agree with that sentiment though. In reality, you're one of those assholes who believes only "complete losers" are happy with an amount of sex you deem too little. What was your point?

What's wrong with you? Did you intend to say "if people in a relationship have very different sexual needs that are not being met, leading to one or both being very unhappy, it's worth talking honestly about it and evaluating if the relationship is still right for them" and accidentally put it through the

Oh and also this might be a new Jezebel record - only ONE mildly anti-Islam comment out of the greys and even it's not super, super overt. Wow!

You know what though? Lots of people were posting on those photos "mashallah" and were pretty excited to see her in hijab at a mosque. I do think the officials were totally right to ask her to leave, but she wasn't being outrageously offensive and I think it was nice to see a HUGE pop star be so positive about Islam

I put it on when I leave the house just because I feel better about it (so I suppose I put makeup on "for" random strangers?), but I hardly wear any makeup for most days. My makeup routine takes like 5-6 minutes, centers mostly around black eyeliner and sometimes powder/highlighter. I don't really care about makeup,

I know meditation helps me, but I have a hard time staying motivated to do it and/or get caught in an anxious spiral in the process of trying to focus on breathing. Argh. How do you stay motivated and on track with it?

Actually no, but it was that blog!! The comic I was referring to I think was attempting to make the points of the one you linked to, but instead came across as "unless you're wildly successful and able to do awesome and cool things, you are average and you suck". http://zenpencils.com/comic/92-chris…

Seriously. I had a realization after noticing how much crappier I felt after reading "10 Ways to Make Your Life Happier" lists. I think it's because the subtext is not so much about appreciating life and making the best of things, but more about how much you're doing everything wrong/imperfectly. Not so motivational.

I love anything that defines success as a very unique and personal experience, rather than this really unhealthy "you must be the best!" life hacker-style attitude many people seem to have adopted. I saw an incredibly depressing comic once where a man's life with a consistent job, family and various activities was

Totally! I love finding cheaper versions of more expensive looks, and honestly I thought that cat shirt Ann wears was Gap (mostly because they made one exactly like it in Navy). I used to spend a lot of time window shopping in expensive shops and department stores, as well as reading fashion blogs, and then go to the

I loved this article - this is 100% my issue with Miley Cyrus. She's the poster child for white privilege and clueless appropriation. Miley probably genuinely loves a certain kind of hip hop but she's completely ignorant of its history and of the concept of white privilege. She benefits from her privilege in thinking

The worst is people who say "well, at least she learned to twerk". NO SHE DIDN'T!

Miley loves using black people as props! She's really the worst. I've never disliked a silly popstar as much as her.

Miley's cover has effectively ruined the 90's Miami Drive-esque art for good, it was on its way out but she slammed the door. She probably sits at home coming through Vice Do's and Don'ts archives in her free time.

I'm not surprised! There is definitely a good amount of the population who really do think that medical care SHOULD be difficult to obtain and expensive and that's the American way! The idea of free healthcare for all people sounds exactly the same as if I'd said "I think the government should start giving free cars