
Oh god the copays! I went from a universal health system to living in the US with no insurance to living in the US with good insurance and GODDAMN those copays caught up with me fast. That's what I get for trying to take care of my health and catch up on missed dr appointments.

Oh dear, there is that too. I don't even know what I could say to that!

They always claim that it's the rarest thing ever, like as long as you exercise and eat "right" and avoid smoking you'll never ever get sick! Even something minor could cause massive debt without insurance, and because you often can't get the best care when you don't have insurance it will cost you even more money

I think you're absolutely right, and it's terrifying. I had to give up trying to convince someone that providing people who "eat all the sugar they want!" with healthcare was not morally wrong. He was arguing that if you were to implement a system where all people had access to free healthcare it would be "unfair"

I totally agree about the inability to process "fairness". I feel like they often come to issues as if everybody is born a relatively wealthy white man, and somehow makes bad choices to wind up something other than white, male and rich. It's insane. Her article, if anything, demonstrates why insurance is a bad system

I think I'm going to focus on corgis next time I get worked up about health insurance.

What is it with the conservative/libertarian arguments about insurance that can't seem to understand that we really don't have that much control over when we'll need to go to the doctor/hospital? We can't just decide not to have female bodies anymore because they cost us too much money (first I had to get rid of my

Yes, of course. Anyone concerned with the sanctity of life has no business supporting things like "health" and "rights" for girls around the world.

They do that whole 5 for $25 deal often, and with the coupons you can get A LOT of undies. It runs on the small end of "true to size" (it doesn't quite run small, but it's not generous) but I think it's really cute for all-cotton stuff.

Me either! I went through a brief American Eagle phase when I lived overseas (homesickness will to turn you into the kind of American you never thought you would be) and I bought underwear and dresses from there and actually really liked them. In high school I was under the impression I'd be shot-on-sight upon

Kohls!!!! Almost everything I wore in middle school was from there too, and they actually had a surprising amount of Delia's-esque knockoffs. I'm sure my skill at spotting similar-but-much-cheaper fashion now is down to years combing the Delia's catalog and then being taken shopping at Kohls. My mom also thought Old

I really like AE's Aerie underwear, no lie.

I am so glad I am not a middle schooler now for so many reasons, but if some kind of Freaky Friday body-switch happened and I found myself back in 7th grade this is at least one upside! I honestly felt such a sting over not being able to afford A&F and the "popular" clique thing that at the time it felt like all the

I know, right? So surprising that a rapist would use the favored line of MRAs worldwide.

No, it's not controversial at all! Nobody should think that talking your way out of it is preferable to running or otherwise getting yourself out of the way of bullets when someone is shooting or threatening to shoot. I can see this type of conflict resolution/diffusing talk being useful only if you are truly trapped

I'm totally scared of cops! I say this as a white female, and I know I'm privileged in that that my over-imaginative fear of cops is nothing compared to the real threat/fear of cops facing people of color, but they still scare me.

This is an amazing article! It explains so much about privilege, in all its forms, so well. I really enjoyed reading this.

I absolutely agree with you that the best option is to get the fuck away when someone has a gun, rather than try to "be a hero" but I got the feeling she had no other options in this particular situation. I think she really did the best she could with someone blocking her exit and threatening to shoot everyone. Nobody

Ohhh. Yes. No cell phones while driving. Getting pulled over really freaks me out for a variety of reasons (fear of authority/getting in trouble, fear of police, etc, etc) so I typically drive like I'm on a driving test at all times anyway. Real treat to be behind, I'm sure!

I can only hope I'd be as calm and quick thinking and sensible as she was in such a scary and unpredictable situation. She's amazing.