
Thank you for taking the time to explain to me what you mean! I think this can be a sore issue for me for personal reasons so I probably react a bit strongly, but I definitely understand where you are coming from and I agree with you that it sucks when women limit themselves like this! You're also right that you never

I tried it and was almost always disappointed! For the most part I wanted something different than my partners did, and it took me awhile to be ok with accepting that both attitudes are perfectly ok. I think ideally all people should realize that there's no "right" or single sexuality, and I'd like people to feel

I hear you. I have had cab drivers ask me out on dates before and it was so scary and unprofessional! I'm ok with the cabs I've taken now, but you will never, ever catch me in a Lyft car.

What if it's like a really looooong stretch of rural highway and it's 20 minutes until the next exit? I have no idea what to do in that situation.

I absolutely understand you aren't promoting coercion, but rather my issue is that I feel like you're promoting one type of sexuality over another. I don't mean to split hairs or internet-argue forever, but suggesting that people who haven't enjoyed casual sex might just need to do more of it is pretty dismissive of

Thanks! I think I'm overly cautious sometimes, but I feel like a lot of the times it's a necessity of life.

Oh I have no idea, I just figured you'd call them, tell them where you were, they'd contact the local cops and it was all interconnected somehow. This is what I mean. How would it actually work?! This is why I'm the one driving only 5 above the speed limit in the right lane on the highway. Sorry people who think 94 is

I actually have a HUGE amount of anxiety about being pulled over on the highway for this reason, particularly at night. I am neurotic. I realize that in that situation you can call 911 and they'll verify it and etc etc etc but in the time to do that, what's to say this cop doesn't decide you're trying to run away from

I do think it could hurt! I don't see a mirroring of the behavior that's already problematic to be the solution. We need to change the idea that one way of behaving or experiencing sexuality is ok, full stop. Women's sexuality is so difficult to navigate already without being pulled in two directions by opposing

Ughhghh. This is horrifying. This is actually one of my paranoia-fears that I give myself grief over for being so anxious about, but I only use cabs of major companies in the city. There are so many random small companies and every so often a really shady looking one will pull up and I just have to say "oh sorry,

There's something I really dislike about the suggestion that if you don't like something as personal and intimate as sex with strangers, that only means you need to do more of it. I agree that it's terrible if people are limiting themselves and not trying something they want to do because of shame or fear, but the

Or any women really, upon further thinking.

Yeah, that's totally a commercial made to appeal to heterosexual women. Blech.

I used to do this with Judy Garland 45s I bought when was like 6 (first ever record store trip, sorry I couldn't be cooler). Highly enjoyable way to listen to Somewhere Over the Rainbow.

Oh, and vocab. Definitely learn the vocab, even if verbal will be your strong point. If you don't want to learn all the vocab at least learn suffixes and other various word-root things.

My only advice is STUDY. Study, study, study. Pick a book and complete it, and stick to a religious study-schedule. You are not smarter than this test (it is not, as I foolishly believed, to separate out the people who went to school to frat around and the ones who went to learn - my hubris got me nowhere). Half the

It's just so hard to know with kids. It's absolutely possible that the family has raised the kid with racist views of some kind, and also possible she's just being three. I really don't like to dismiss people's experiences of racism but I feel like the girl deserves another chance, if you see them again, just because

I have to second your advice! I had plans figured like this, exactly. I knew what apartments I liked and could afford and what the minimum salary I needed was to get them. I applied for 2-3 jobs a day (depending on what the cover letter required, and if it was a totally new kind of cover letter I'd just focus on that

Gah you're so right. I think without the headline about the election I could not have given you even a guess as to when this was published.

Amen! I have so many cheap black pairs of underwear (and my 5+ year old ratty undies for backup) because I can't be trusted not to ruin any of the "good" undies.