Pointy-Haired Executive: “With the death of loot boxes, what’s the latest trend in microtransactions that we can exploit?”
I felt like whoever [wrote] it was probably very liberal but very uncomfortable with the idea of what a revolution actually entails. It’s not a Tea Party and that people are probably going to get hurt. I was like, ‘What would happen if you made a really honest, straightforward, unapologetically leftist game?’
I’d argue there’s a difference between criticizing a flaw in a game and spamming literally every tweet a company makes with outrage. I don’t know if telling the people doing the latter to shut up is a great move, but saying “these people need to chill the fuck out” isn’t the same as “nobody can criticize anything ever.…
Imagine if if every reply to this article was a comment about preparing for oneself for other comments.
Man, SonicFox was a fantastic sport about it as well. Cheered him on and everything after the match. That’s the kind of sportsmanship we need in all big tournaments!
Ridiculous. Privacy is important period for everyone. These journalists get death threats for no reason as is. Stop putting zero value on privacy. You don't have to be guilty of something to be entitled to it.
This is a non issue. Hes an evil mad man and this costume does not represent the state of mental health in our world. All the characters in Overwatch are stereotypes. Except Winston and Hammond because im not sure how you stereotype a hamster and a gorilla.
I never understood why so many people want Goku in smash. It makes no sense to me at all.
Then, there are just two unnanounced mystery fighters left. Perhaps one of them is Goku-shaped?
I’m glad you spent the browsing time reading the article, where this was specifically addressed, it is so important.