
Oooh, I need to check this out. Kath is terribly underrated somehow.

It's been a fun week!

There will always be space in my parking lot when you need a little coke and sympathy.

They have lots of snow. Let it melt and VOILA!! Water!

I saw Petty at Wrigley a couple of weeks ago and he was amazing. Possibly Top 10 show, and I've seen hundreds.

No kidding, mine doesn't even want to hug me in front of his friends any more. He's too cool at 9 for that shit.

This is amazing. High school distilled in one playlist.

This is truth!

Pepsi is NOT a mixer. A pox on that airline.

Well, normally I would, but they weren't helping my pain so I got something else. Then, somehow, I got distracted and forgot about them. I have no idea why I still have them. I should really get rid of them.

Yeah, it wouldn't surprise me if there were teeth glues to things in that place.

Honestly, a screwdriver is one of the most obvious of tools. I don't think they were trying to be nice. I think they were being dicks.

This person is confirmed to be an asshole.

Why can't Jon Snow wash his damn face??

"There are 29 songs and they actually finish them all"

This is about the last thing in this world I would want to see. TV is so great, yet so horrific at the same time.

I went to a minor league baseball game two weeks ago that had a 2 hour rain delay, plus fireworks at the end my kid was dying to see. Got out of there around midnight and had wanted to stab myself in the eyes for at least an hour before that.

Holy shit, in the last 2 years I've probably bought tickets to a show and missed it because it was during the week and we were exhausted. If you'd told 20-something me that would happen, I would have laughed in your face. Now we check the day of the week on the show before we commit. Hashtag SO OLD.

I have some old Percocet from my C-section you are welcome to. I mean, the baby is 9 now, but it's still yours.

Full disclosure: I did not take chemistry in high school. I took an extra year of math instead. But I would have know this answer anyway.