Since the scanners haven’t been shown to lead to an increase in flight security at all, why not just remove them?
Since the scanners haven’t been shown to lead to an increase in flight security at all, why not just remove them?
Oh, 280 million years ago... but somehow it’s OUR fault the Earth changes. They didn’t even have diesel engines as recent as 140 million years ago.
an officer with the Edmond Police Department said the recordings could fill 12 spindles of compact discs
I don’t agree with it, I don’t have to live under it but…
So active shooters steaming their attacks are the problem, not their attacks??????? Okay?
Amazon’s Face Recognition Tech Once Again Pegs Politicians as Criminals
Gun buy backs in the US do not usually provide much value. The guns turned in are usually so damaged and antiquated that they are more of a danger to the user than the target. In short you don’t get dangerous guns off the street, you just pick up other people’s junk.
Look, you have a handgun because you are afraid of bad people. If we did something like this, you and other good people would gladly participate. The bad people you’re afraid of would not.
Wow, that’s a staggering number. I wonder how many lives we could save if we banned heroin! Oh, wait...
There is no way I would ever give up my rights to any firearms I may own. Buybacks and registration wont work.
Thing is, they have around 1.2 million guns in NZ, this only got rid of 1% of them, so it was a drop in the bucket and no person who would use these for harm would even have turned them in.
That gif doesn’t really convince me this is that great. So it locks your computer or minimizes all applications? “No boss, I’m not goofing off, I’m doing, uh... nothing.”
The “only one function” of a bump stock is simply to increase the rate of fire on a semiautomatic weapon. The vast majority of trigger accelerator tools are used at gun ranges for target shooting or sit on a shelf in a gun safe. A bump stock was also used in the Las Vegas shooting that left 58 people dead.
Sorry, you must go back further than 130 years.
Even if “speech control” polled high, the US Constitution specifically limits the government from eliminating free speech. That is the primary reason that politicians won’t act. Yes, speech can, and has been, regulated in some areas, as has the right to bear arms.
In CA we passed a law to require DNA swabs for any arrest. Guess who’s exempt?
Again, because you’re apparently slow, guns are not solely designed to kill humans, as the poster was claiming.
You had me until you put your “(racist)“ in there. Most gun owners are not racist, except in your imagination. You do know the gun control movement started for the sole reason to keep them out of the hands of blacks, right?
Right, persecuting people you disagree with.
That’s not the “express” purpose of a gun. Don’t be cute. It weakens your argument.