
Thank you. I’m so tired of this “gun owner = wants to see children shot” bullshit.

“My philosophy is, if you’ve got to the point of confronting another person with a firearm you have already lost the battle.”

The only people who want innocents and children shot are the people going out and shooting innocents and children. The rest of us just differ on what measures we think will and won’t be effective, and whether giving up liberty for the promise of safety is worth it.

No no, because HamNo wants the GOV’T to overthrow the rich and then distribute their ill-gotten gains out to him. You don’t expect him to actually do the dirty work, do you? What HamNo doesn’t realize is that in his fantasy, the so-called intellectuals, no matter how poor, go on the pile just as easily as the

For a socialist revolutionary who ends every other piece with a threat of overthrowing the rich, one would think you would like guns more.

Joke about my singing.

6 months is a good one too, as it marks the point that you stop counting months “since” and start realizing that the anniversary is coming up sooner than not.

This is a good idea.

A family member of mine passed away on my best friend’s birthday. She will never forget.

You are the soul of LifeHacker for true lifehacking.

Jags is correct! And you have to do it for each domain under gawker that you care about. I noticed that the Kinja word processor substitutes an emdash for the uBlock required double dashes when we paste text into the comment section, so...

This is exactly my problem here. I’d be happy to jump on Signal and abandon both Whatsapp and FB messenger, but.. I’d also have to convince all of my friends & family to do the same, and that’s not happening. iPhone users will keep using their text thing, everyone else will keep sending me fb messages, and the handful

I’ve got Telegram for conversations with a handful of friends, but man.. how do you get a useful group of your friends & family on board with a new app so that it’s actually useful to you? That’s the only catch for me when it comes to switching away from FB messenger + whatsapp as my main communication channels.

On yet another hand, trusting a wholly owned Facebook subsidiary means you’re trusting Facebook. Period.

You should know, as well as anyone thinking of switching to Telegram, that it’s main problem regarding privacy is that it uses a proprietary encryption method that cannot be verified by the larger security community. It’s based on strong encryption methods and all, but you have only the company’s word that it’s

Whatsapps end-to-end encryption is just as good as Signal’s while it lasts. Having said that, read Bruce’s quote on the homepage of the Signal website: https://signal.org/#page-top

My family just switched to signal and considering I didn’t even know it existed a week ago the app is pretty impressive. Throw in that they have a desktop app and I’m set. It still needs a little work but it’s all pretty minor gripes. Bonus that the app is super quick compared to whatsapp.

Interesting recommendation. Just a week ago, Bruce Schneier recommended using WhatsApp.

Your dad’s smart.