Yes, like Maryland, home to a VERY disproportionate number of high paid employees whose sole livelihood comes from federal tax dollars.
Yes, like Maryland, home to a VERY disproportionate number of high paid employees whose sole livelihood comes from federal tax dollars.
You’re right about that. Lifehacker should stay out of politics. This isn’t what we come here for. If you want to write about politics in such an opinionated way, Beth, there are plenty of other sites for that.
Please don’t conflate climate with weather. There are no climate records for the last 20 years. Not really. Anything under 30 years has to be considered as weather, not climate. Without a doubt, we know there are cyclical weather patterns lasting 30+ years. These multidecadal oscillations still aren’t fully…
she lost me at agreeing with Pelosi. That lady can’t even function in public
Why’s this post filed under “Festivals”?
Ahin f/ Backblaze -> we support Linux backups into B2. Here’s a how-to:
Thanks for this. I use Crashplan heavily, for myself and my family who rely on me to provide their IT support. I need something that offers the storage of backups on other computers (not cloud).
Yep. KY is down to only one insurer in most of the state (for individual market), and they considering pulling out for 2018. That would mean there is no option for insurance. And KY was used as the poster child for the ACA.
I’m with this dude... Lifehacker is in my feedly, I read it at work during lunch.
Whatever happened to Lifehacker:Afterdark? Can’t we segment this channel and keep our RSS work safe?
So a generation that gets their political views from Stephen Colbert and John Stewart is complaining that fox news is fake ? A touch of introspection might be in order.
My question is “our writer may FEEL that the statements are “racist”, and does not include how many items could NOT be debunked. So, long route to my question: how do we know that this SJW kids family isn’t RIGHT and that this “fellow” is actually WRONG? Perhaps the family’s statements are only wrong to this “fellow”…
Most who frequent this left-wing echo chamber will not understand your post.
Ehh.. I could see how this could happen pretty easily. A lot of people carry daily, and if you’re someone who carries a gun in your briefcase or purse or whatever, it would be pretty easy to forget about it. That’s not a good way to carry, but people do it.
Isn’t this the one that maps your home so iRobot can sell your data to the highest bidder?
Isn’t this the one that maps your home so iRobot can sell your data to the highest bidder?
For there to be repercussions, there must be evidence that they worked together to commit a specific crime.... ...[f]or now, we’ll have to let the investigation run its course and see what turns up.
Does it matter what gender or race they are if they would just follow the constitution?
Exactly. People keep forgetting that Google is (and has always been) an advertising company first and everything else second. Every service they provide is a means to that end.
I’m not Catholic, but I stand with The Bible and Scriptures that make some thins pretty clear. I’m in Tennessee, southern Baptist, Christian to the core, everything I note and describe is in the Bible, can provide direct in-context scriptures too.
I’m not a member of the NRA. But I am a big supporter of everyone’s Second Amendment Rights. So if the law says you can open carry, I support it. I don’t advise it though, for anyone, no matter what their skin color is. To me, it’s foolish. 1st, it draws attention to yourself, which is something you’re typically going…
@bobkoure: I do understand the good neighbor policy, but do bear in mind that having an unencrypted network also means that your own wireless internet packets are unencrypted and therefore sniffable. This may or may not matter to you though. If you've got a spare router around, you can set it up as a separate "good…