The new deals are just back door socialism under the name of the environment.
The new deals are just back door socialism under the name of the environment.
When you listen to the Global Cooling / Global Warming / Climate Change / Climate Disruption / Climate Zealotry crowd, you will find that they believe that EVERYTHING that happens supports their viewpoint.
Feel free to ignore Obama/Biden locking children in cages as well as the destruction of this country by a massive illegal invasion that also costs BILLIONS of tax dollars to support the invaders.
New update.
Red Flag laws can also be used as a weapon and many proposed laws have no consequences for false reports.
Article summary:
My advice.
You increase your chances of stopping a kidnapping, assault rape and murder.
I’m not sure of the overall count but here is one article pointing out 12 times that it happened.
t appears that you’ve targeted the wrong enemy.
t appears that you’ve targeted the wrong enemy.
It appears that you’ve targeted the wrong enemy.
That is VERY unfortunate!
Did you know that guns are used up to 3,000,000 times per year in the U.S. to stop assault/kidnapping/rape/murder?
The Gun Violence Archive is an org dedicated to banning guns. They aren’t independent or objective.
A better answer is to shoot back at the potential mass murderer.
Nearly every public mass murder happens in a “Gun Free (aka Mass Murderer Protection) Zone”.
Could you define what you envision in terms of making background checks more strict?
Who told you that most of the AR’s used were illegally obtained? From what I have read, nearly every public mass murderer PASSED a background check.