Abortion kills more people than guns.
Abortion kills more people than guns.
How did the “Gun Free” Zone work in the Parkland school shooting?
You are wrong.
The ~20,000 existing laws/regulations aren’t enough?
Oooh. More scary mand-made climate predictions that are 10, 12 or 18 years away that won’t happen.
The real reason for “denial” is that the claims of man-made Global Cooling / Global Warming / Climate Change don’t stand up after close scrutiny.
Unlike your average firearm owner, Muslims have a violence problem.
Excellent point!
Perhaps you didn’t know, but gun violence has PLUNGED over recent years while hundreds of millions of guns have been purchased.
There is a difference.
Don’t forget to get the kids who are now being trained to behead non-believers in Philadelphia!
Well, when she proposed banning employee farts at Big Tech companies, I was convinced!
Well, it doesn’t say that does it.
So, the supplier faked their data the same way NASA faked “Global Warming” data.
That sounds awful. However, 110 isn’t a record. It seems common.
In case you didn’t hear, there was “NO COLLUSION”!
There isn’t anything special about deluded teen puppets.
Send every illegal alien to San Francisco.
The Patriot Act has nothing to do with patriotism.
No, there still isn’t proof of man-made Global Warming.