
So let’s pretend the man-made Global Cooling/Global Warming/Climate Change scam is real.

That is why the Global Cooling/Global Warming zealots had to pick a name they for which they couldn’t be held accountable.

Do you mean the NOAA that publishes fake data?

What utter nonsense.

Yes, I paid for my own tuition and books by working.

My guess is that is is because interviewing is so much fun!

In Hillary’s case, you forgot “criminal”.

How would smashing my cell phone with a hammer and hiding my resume/email from authorities help?

That’s surprising. As it isn’t routed through Crashplan, I didn’t think that they could control that.

I’ve since found that IDrive has a pretty compelling offer for displaced Crashplan users. A full year for $6.95!

BackBlaze’s B2 service charges about $2.50/month for 500 GB.

The BB forums yesterday said that they do support Linux.

Will peer to peer be killed automatically if you already have it installed?

I’m looking at the BackBlaze B2 offer. With 500 GB of data across multiple computers, it should cost $2.50/month. Of course, I’d need to buy CloudBerry for each computer so I could encrypt using my key.

If it is already installed, wouldn’t that still work? It is peer to peer after all.

When I read through BackBlaze’s posts yesterday, it appeared that they DO support Linux.

Backblase said they are looking at extending the 30 day window

Using your analogy, Obamacare killed every car manufacturer except for Renault in many markets.

Unfortunately, thanks to Obamacare, the model of having multiple insurance companies to choose from has been decimated. Now, you are left with 1 or 2 choices.

Show me the government approved single payer blueprint and then we can discuss whether it will stink as bad as the VA treatment.