CrashPlan permits users to create their own encryption key which they can’t decrypt. However, their default encryption does allow them to access data.
CrashPlan permits users to create their own encryption key which they can’t decrypt. However, their default encryption does allow them to access data.
For what it is worth, LastPass encrypts data prior to transmission to the cloud.
There is s revolving door between jobs in the press and the Obama administration. No, they aren’t from Fox News.
That would be a nightmare (from my perspective) but it is very clever
The mainstream media gives Obama a pass more often than not
Right. NOW he cares about the constitution.
“I did NOT have those CONVERSATIONS with that MAN!”
Perhaps LeBron could say that it actually did look like a real gun. Here is a picture of a real 1911 and the BB gun.
Why do you think that someone I worship supports slavery and child murder?
I’m still not seeing it.
I have a different understanding of what Jesus Christ wants for all of us.
Can you point me too the exact verses where he taught his followers to commit acts of violence?
Can you point me to the exact verses where he taught violence to his followers?
Actually millions upon millions of Christians do just fine.
That speaks more to the behavior of people than it does to the doctrine.
When I read Christ’s teachings in the New Testament (as he is arguably the founder of Christianity) I find it difficult to find the hatred teachings you are talking about. If fact, I find quite the opposite.
The primary source of gun crime is gangs, drugs and poverty.
So, we don’t know that they used TOR (or encryption) but the attacks are used for justification anyway.
Oh give me a break.
Gun control won’t stop terrorists.