
At that point, you just have to let 'em go.

What kind of parental control app are you looking for? What platform and features do you want?

Mainly, this applies to my 14-yr old son, but we're also starting early with my (almost) 10-yr old also. . .

Like you, I am proudly overprotective. Way to go, Dad!

How do you figure it was Palistinian land? The Hebrews preceded the Arabs in the area by almost 3000 years. it wasn't until the first Muslim conquest conquered the Bysantines in the 7th century that modern day Palestinians began to migrate that far north.

Oops, forgot one little fact.

And... 502 terrorists were killed.

You mean how Hamas makes a point of protecting civilians? Because last time I checked using children and elderly people as human shields (there's video evidence of it) and firing your weapons from hospitals, schools and mosques (there's evidence of it too) while forcing people to not evacuate, was oh so fair and

Sure, they are supposed to let Palestine fire as many rockets as they want at them and give them the iron dome technology and let them hit Israelite targets to been out the death toll, right?

With all this mystery and intrigue, only one thing is certain: Offshore boat racing is superior to onshore boat racing.

It is unclear where Biddle's funeral will be held, as the nearest church is in a no wake zone

Actually that would be evolutionary for women. Men are evolutionary to be attracted birthing age women so as a woman your issues would be different.

"The only reason to want privacy is if you have something to hide!" is a horrible argument, both because we all deserve some privacy and anonymity, and because we ALL have something to hide.

But on the other hand, yeah, tor is a fucking hotbed of illegal activity, which is the primary reason I've stayed far, far away

Maybe I am using it to spite people who spy on me to collect data and sell it..ISPs ..Google..Government agencies.

If you make statements like "if you're using Tor, you're most likely doing something illegal any way" you are probably clueless about privacy issues anyway. Statements like yours defy any logic whatsoever. You are basically saying the only people who deserve anonymity are the ones who don't want it or don't use

In my experience, discussing salaries will just cause resentment, low morale and a terrible working environment.

Now you know a place you can move to that is more aligned with your beliefs. To be fair, I'm sure conservatives living in a blue state would make similar complaints.

I like being involved as an audience member. I'd much rather raise my hand than see a slide. As an audience member, it helps me meet other audience members: "Oh, you raised your hand as well. So did I"

Yes, it is specific to LDS teachings. The Book of Moses in our Pearl of Great Price, teaches that there are other inhabited worlds.

I would have to do further research on the source of the specific statement you are asking about as I am at work and do not have all my resources available.

Mormons believe that too. Just as Christ visited his followers in the Americas after his resurrection, he has visited his followers on other planets.