I'm with you, I've never enjoyed her brand of 'snark'
I'm with you, I've never enjoyed her brand of 'snark'
And it’s far from her first offense...
Yes, I’m quite certain this is exclusive to white kids... /sarc
For once, all very good suggestions.
Hell, you can see it in the gif!
Spot on. Especially the part about infotainment systems being a disaster. Who thought that a touchscreen interface was a good idea for a driver to interact with? It’s an accident (followed by a class action lawsuit) waiting to happen. Give me traditional knobs and buttons any day...
Millennial click bait nonsense. The introduction of the SBC after a crash development was playing it safe? Fuel injection in the mid-50s was safe? You need to stop with the blistering hot taeks and “edgy” contrariness.
You shut your whore mouth, Jason Torchinsky. You want a meh car?
Jason, unless next week’s MCM is the original Volkswagen Beetle, this is a terrible take and you should feel bad about it.
The arguments you make are against the 210. The Bel Air was never meh. Of course, 90% of remaining 210s have been made into Bel Air clones. You are making an argument analogous to the GTO being boring because the Tempest was basic transportation.
11m 36s of video and they could not be arsed to mention that at small steering wheel angles the rear wheels steered up to 1.5 degs in phase with the front wheels to improve handling? They only mention that at small angles the car behaves as any other non-4WS car, which wasn’t true... The opposing rear wheel steering…
Bloggers are generally just WAY more condescending than their station in life justifies, aren’t they?
Absolutely not. Inspections are nothing more than legalized racketeering. It’s an excuse for Mr. Mechanic to scam you out of $1000 for some BS that doesn’t be need fixing.
Please explain how short selling screws over a company. Sounds more like that you don’t know how a short selling or the stock market works.
Short-selling is nothing more than predicting a stock will go down rather than up.
I blame those screaming-shouting tuner reality shows for creating the impression that this sort of behavior is either acceptable or normal. You know the shows, they claim to be real but are scripted as hell and have two bearded or mustachioed macho assholes screaming and hollering at each other and threatening to…
Sure do love all the perfect parents in this comment section who have never, ever fucked up, not even once. Not even when they are tired, or stressed, or sick, or overworked or running on fumes.
2018 Subaru Outback 3.6R Touring.
Depreciation - Yes
Yes. And the technology didn’t exist at the time to do both at the same time.