I’d still be suspicious. What if the Russians discover a Russian-speaking minority on the other side of the station?
I’d still be suspicious. What if the Russians discover a Russian-speaking minority on the other side of the station?
Upvote can’t do your post justice, high-five needs to be done in person.
I don't like headlights that represent the manufacture's badge.
I watched a good friend sink several years and far too many paychecks into one of these. After a rebuilt engine, rebuilt dodge tranny, custom brake fabrication, custom exhaust, and total re-wiring he had a floating barge with Ricardo Montalban's living room inside and a GTO's exhaust on the outside. I never enjoyed…
have no idea what happened before the video but the bike's brake light was on and he had slowed to nearly walking speed when the cop starts to pin him to the wall.
Long time ago, a co-worker had an 80's Caprice. He was stopped at a highway intersection. The car stalled just after the intersection so he didn't have enough speed to coast to the side of the road.
The ONLY idiots are those going too fast to stop safely and easily in the distance they can see on a public highway.
how the hell is this stuff gonna get updated? let's say you get the ios8 apple play in your car. 3 years later the car is still practically new, but that UI is many generations old and chances are doesn't really wanna play nice with iphone 12 or whatever its gonna be called.
I think the whole idea of infotainment technology integration is ridiculous, and the automakers know it. Think back to all the radio-tech systems from past decades. We had cassette and 8-track, CD, satellite radio, etc. They are all outdated now and devalue the cars they are in.
I know it's a Jenson, but it looks so much better without all the overhang on the back...
First of all, fuck Twitter, this had got to be the shittiest way ever invented to tell a story.
On a 10-minute drive, the mechanics reportedly got his car up to 118 mph on public roads, including one truly scary right-side pass you can see around the 1:03 mark in the video. Yeesh.
What the fuck are wrong with catalytic convertors? Catalytic converters are modern miracles. They DRAMATICALLY reduce the harmful emissions from vehicles (by a huge amount...we're not talking a little thing here...a lot of people underestimate what they do), and do so in a way that is extremely power and fuel…
We need smarter traffic lights, ASAP. Clever programming and a networked city of lights, and we could drastically improve conditions as is. Signals should know when there's no more cars coming, and should know when to change based on other light activity in close proximity. Combine that with communication the with…
Its not because there is no manual option. Thats just what journalists want to think so they can explain it.
I hope I'm not the only one that cringes when pop singers sing the Star Spangled Banner.
Money is not made in auto journalism by filling your front page with dad-fucker articles.
That headline is garbage. Are we in 8th grade again?
Title is flagrantly try-hard. Try less, please.