The data will come out. Ifbfsd was on or not. But buy the video people were be bad driver not paying attention. They would have had time to stop.
The data will come out. Ifbfsd was on or not. But buy the video people were be bad driver not paying attention. They would have had time to stop.
It won't crash it will stop.
It will stop and put the 4 way on. Last time I tried it. But the last 2 month I haven’t tried it. I don’t want any strikes.
So you haven’t tried it. Before you try you agree to pay attention. If you don't pay attention. The driver the problem not the system.
He tried to work with them but they thought Tesla would fail. Now they want Tesla to open up there charger it funny how that works. It legacy would have work with Tesla. They would sell more car with Tesla you don't have to worry when you go far .
You just put in a plug. I got a clipper charger at home it charger my fiat 500e and my Tesla with a adapter . The same can be done with a Tesla charger
You don't need to fob any more depends on the year. You a credit card key.
So would that be child endangerment without a car seat.
I get the complaints about steering. Are waiting late to turn or something.
I have on my model 3 and love it. But would like to try it with the button on the wheel. I guess I will have to wait till my CT comes.
Once try it it will change you mind. Some many people are not open to change.
Just because you can dosen't mean you should.
Viki it another good streaming option for Korean and other languages show.
There is a setting for towing.
The driver should have been in paying attention.
So like the charging standard. Tesla tried. But nobody wanted to do it. So they did by themselves. And FDS is the same thing. You can’t have a standard if you the only one taking it serious. Tesla they only one that can do a software update like that. But you could use blue cruise .
Also you neighbor don't hate you when you come home at 2am.
It looks like he was riding above his skill level. Looking at the video I could have made that corner on my goldwing no problem.
The next area for me was florida after the five .