I just think they’re neat

Because nobody wants to actually take responsibility for being over weight. They don't like it, but either don't want to change it or don't know how, so they blame everything else but their lifestyle. Sure, some people may have other shit going on, but nobody likes being over weight. People try to change themselves

I said I DID gain 30lb (several times in this thread) then lost it (again, on those same meds) by counting calories. As I said, increased appetite doesn't mean you actually need to eat more. You adjust your behaviour to reduce the side effects.

"Saying "Well, I have xxx and I'm not fat" is a form of fat-shaming. You're not helping anyone by doing/saying that."

I managed to lose 30lb while on both birth control and antidepressants. Yes, they DO increase your appetite, but that doesn't mean you have to actually eat more. I kept a food diary and stuck to 1,200 every day. I drank caffeine when I felt hungry and had no health problems as a result.

Honestly I think intense exercise is the best method of weight loss. I can burn an entire days worth of calories on a 3 hour mountain bike ride.

Stopped drinking, it was the worst eight hours of my life, darling.

I'm 27 and I was diagnosed with PCOS at 18 via blood test. My BMI is 19.6. I keep a food diary every day and I've been a strict vegan for eight years. If you're willing to eat well, there's no reason why PCOS should make you over weight or obese.

He continued to follow Trayvon. That is pretty clear, despite his later denials. Read a time-stamped transcript of his call to 911. Pay attention to what happens after the dispatcher tells him that following the "asshole" is not necessary. Why didn't he go back to his car and wait? Why did he tell the dispatcher

Believe me, I thought about it for a while before I wrote that item up, but the report is "they were hitting each other," and he declined to press charges. Not sure where I'm supposed to go with that beyond "UGH, VIOLENCE BAD."

The only evidence given by anyone (who isn't GZ) who was privy to the thoughts or actions of either party during this situation indicates that Trayvon said "get off me" several times, clearly indicating that GZ initiated the physical aspect of the altercation.

Why don't you go give that advice to a women's self

You say:

Unless he didn't want the weirdo to know where he lived...

"Also are you really going to make the argument of "he was asking for it"? Really? That's the argument you're going with? Does anybody else see the irony of this argument being used on Jezebel? "

Except he didn't just feel "scared". He was brutally beaten to the point where he fairly realistically feared for his life.

God forbid you point out to the believers of the Stand Your Ground law that TM was followed and confronted by an armed gunman. Clearly he should have cowered on the ground and submitted to the authority of a deranged "neighborhood watchman." They're just glad Trayvon didn't have a gun.

I don't get why people can't believe that trayvon was fighting for his life. We don't know who started the fight and people are so sure that trayvon did.

Any white person with a gun has a right to fire it if they feel "scared." Because that's definitely going to keep everyone safe.

Trayvon was defending himself.

Ari does not hate fat people. If read correctly, he hates a system that makes people obese and keeps them obese. And, since being obese is very unhealthy, I do not understand why anyone would disagree with him about this. Of course, if you do NOT believe that being obese is unhealthy, there is no common ground to

No, I have an issue with a food system that doesn't provide people with good nutrition. I have an issue with a food system that is fundamentally broken and leads to food deserts.