I'm the opposite, I love the sassiness and think babies are boring. Even my own. I was so much happier as a mother once we got in to toddlerhood.
I'm the opposite, I love the sassiness and think babies are boring. Even my own. I was so much happier as a mother once we got in to toddlerhood.
okay, to be fair, this is when my baby WAS a baby. now he's a giant:
Newborns aren't cute. We should all accept that.
I feel like this man was willed in to existence by the collective consciousness of at least 10% of tumblr's population.
I meant days as in the general sense? It does sound even worse when you say it in terms of hours.
OT: I still don't understand this gawkerverse commenting system. I'm in the greys at gawker but not here, even though I comment there more frequently.
Right? What happened to spines.
They certainly are not nothing. I'm not arguing that being on a jury is like a fun blow-off ceramics class.
I suppose I would be a little more sympathetic if we were talking about weeks of deliberation rather than days.
She is a dirtbag. I'm not advocating any actions that might lead her to physical harm, but I wouldn't mind her having her day in the court of public opinion. It isn't like she's just a juror who did an interview, she's planning to profit from her experience.
I honestly don't understand caving to that kind of pressure. If you believe that someone is guilty of murder, how do you just get "worn down" in a matter of a couple of days?
I could not agree with you more.
Yes, that is a thing she says.
It's disgusting. I don't understand how she made it though selection and I can not believe what a half hearted job the prosecution did on this trial. The eyes of the world are on you and this is what you do?
That first clip is infuriating.
If you're aware that you aren't capable of reacting to this discussion rationally, why are you participating?
oh go express milk