
Give her this: She may do nothing but she does it very, very well.

She best stay out of Ursula's territory. She doesn't handle competition well . . .

I was driving home from work one evening last year and I caught the end of an interview the radio dj was having with somebody who was a) clearly American and b) clearly a celebrity of some kind. It wasn't until the interview wound up that I realised it was Kim. And that was when it dawned on me that, for all that

She looks surprisingly hip without her usual makeup. It gives her bold brows more room to shine.

There are two wonderful things happening here in this story:

Righhhht. And if you rape someone, you're a rapist. Despite what you think you are or what you think you feel about women.

Not all men just a third of them.

I would rob a bank. But I would never be a bank robber.

How are those truly different? So it's not ok that he did it when trying to get something specific from her (going to prom) because it required her consent, but it would be ok if he was just doing it to rally support for his generic affections or his desire to ask her out?? Does she not get to consent to being placed

Bye! Have fun with your privilege!

You are like a cartoon character.

How did his attitude and behavior not impinge on her agency, autonomy, and dignity here?? The problem with publicizing his desire was that it necessarily implicated her (VERY publicly, at that - I mean, here we are on Jezebel debating it). So, going by your own test, I'm not sure how this doesn't fit those criteria.

LordSparrow is the hot dad. Luckily no one has gotten creepy, they just get really shy and awkward around him. He thought they all disliked him until Little explained.

That's just a fancy way of saying "boys will be boys" in this particular context, IMO. I would be insanely surprised if a teenage girl were to do this same thing with a friend's Dad. There's a reason for that, and it's a specific kind of entitlement to women/their bodies/their attention that we teach males. Sure, all

I find it to be no coincidence that this young boy's cluelessness and selfishness manifested itself with a heavy dose of sexism and entitlement. How aghast he is that this is even being seen that way is part and parcel to the problem. He is genuinely perplexed at how distributing pictures of a woman in her bikini

I usually don't agree with you but you got it right on the money with this one.

LOLLLL. Asking a friend's parents to drive you somewhere is TOTES THE SAME as asking a friend's parent to take you to prom and then blasting pictures of her in a bikini on Twitter to see if you could really get her to do it.

If I were Chloe'e mom, had no knowledge of what was going on and when I did, found out my bathing suit pictures were posted all over Twitter? I have no doubt the amount of rage that would take over would be otherworldly. The ripple would hit any human within a 20 mile radius, starting with this kid. It's one of those

God the fucking male entitlement just starts SO. EARLY.

So much yes! I was never a planner - as in "must have degree by 22, must be married by 26, kids by 30" but I have had friends who are. Though a few of them managed live their lives that way and have done so successfully, the vast majority find that life throws wrenches into our little human plans.