They are called lies of omission and according to my youth pastor, you will still go to hell!
They are called lies of omission and according to my youth pastor, you will still go to hell!
I find it interesting that with all these girls putting together these The South 2015, brands or whatever, they’re always cutting out black people. As if black people don’t live in the south/ haven’t contributed greatly to southern culture in its current landscape. #sippintea
Karen Elson looks pretty great. And she actually dressed for the theme. The people who don’t dress for the theme and who wear short and/or boring dresses infuriate me. If you’re at the Met Gala, you’re probably rich and hot. You have the opportunity to wear a crazy elaborate ballgown, something 99.9% of women will…
Must have more than just that to charge her surely?
I read Knight’s book, the 3 women were each held in separate rooms. Sometimes they interacted, but it’s not like they were all locked in the basement together. Captor Castro also pitted them against each other, so that didn’t help. It’s not like they were a team that broke up after they were freed.
I wonder how they must feel knowing they are the inspiration of that show. Do you think they watch it?
At this point, he HAS to take on this attitude and stay in the mindset that what he did was right and proper.
I dunno, it strikes me as not entirely dissimilar to the kind of ideology that allows killing human beings in order to protect national interests, or to satisfy vindictive notions of retributive justice.
My 16-year-old sister looks a little bit older so she occasionally gets hit on by boys in their early 20s. At one point, this one sorry fellow tried to convince her that “age is just a number,” to which she quickly retorted, “a prison cell is just a room.”
Waiting at the airport for a flight. There’s a line of about 10 people at the counter that were delayed from an earlier flight. Some dude pushes past the line and screams at the desk agent that, “(He) has to be on this flight! And it has to be first class!” Agent tells him that she can help him but he need to wait in…
There are some really powerful images in this music video. The song itself is so repetitive, and I wish it would have contained some lyrics that made into something that, without the video, didn't just sound like some silly piece of nationalism.
I could be wrong, I’m not pyschic, but I think what he’s trying to prove is that having someone stick their tongue down your throat without your consent is gross and disconcerting.
She assaulted him in a particularly gross and public way.
There was a part in the interview when she said something about not seeking him out, how she had caught him staring at her many times, and how he thought she looked like a movie star of something. And she says “I knew he was trouble” kind of giggling. Shades of Humbert Humbert, blaming the child.
Hells to the no. Teachers are not like cops, we don’t close ranks around the bad apples. Child molesters don’t deserve a second chance in the profession. Ever.
Nobody in their right mind would let this woman teach students under 18. She needs to give up that dream like yesterday