
What if all third trimester abortions are life saving procedures?

Doofenschmirtz has been doing a great job discussing restrictions on abortions with you but you have failed to respond to them in any meaningful way, you only reiterate your original point over and over without taking in anything else being said, you are being a brick wall, and that is an insufferable trait.

Which third-trimester abortions do you know of that aren’t done because the mother’s health is at risk?

What Bernie said at the Flint debate was spot on. He said in essence, “I believe it is a woman’s right to obtain the healthcare deemed necessary by her and her doctors always. Period.” Yes, late term abortions are sometimes, unfortunately needed to save the life of the woman carrying the pregnancy, and yes, it is her

You wouldn’t abort a pregnancy a week before due date- that would be a planned cesarean/induced birth, and the child at that point would be viable without its mother’s womb. A fetus that cannot sustain its own life without its mother’s womb is aborted. A baby that can is birthed.

Clinton just tried to argue that because Bernie doesn’t like the Ex-Im Bank, the Koch brothers are actually really big Bernie Sanders fans...I don’t think it went well.

We do NOT regulate medical procedures on the basis of morality. Nobody goes around saying that fat people can’t have bypass surgeries anymore because they don’t deserve them.

I have to disagree. Compromise has brought some of the most disastrous policies of my lifetime - deregulating the banks, trade pacts that decimated our own industries and the working class, and the Iraq War. I can’t vote for anyone who voted for these things when there is still another choice.

What’s extreme about letting doctors and patients decide what should be acceptable instead of the government imposing arbitrary time points beyond which no abortion could be performed?

As soon as she’s nominated though she’ll almost certainly tack right pretty hard.