where was the indignation when Israel bombed a Gaza hospital and killed hundreds of children, half of them babies?
where was the indignation when Israel bombed a Gaza hospital and killed hundreds of children, half of them babies?
If you were the motorcyclist, I would understand.
Ever heard of morals and ethics? ... the reason these rich pieces of garbage get away with it is because they own the politicians who create and maintain the legislation to allow this to to continue to occur.
Honestly .. how did an idiot like Trump become the president?
So home come this dickhead is still there?
Why does Conway look like an ugly man?
Religion starts wars and now it fucks education for our children.
Well some of those Mexican Strats and Teles were pretty bad
Why would he need more?
Every American citizen will receive free tacos for a year.
America’s fucked
Typical Trump voter
Well all you losers voted Trump in despite the months where he showed he was just a rich misogynistic idiot ... now fucking do something about it or your whole country will be grabbed by the genitals.
Another video designed to get money from the number of views.
Let’s hope the CIA do their job and protect America from threats ... and at the moment, the biggest threat to America is Mr. Comb-over orange face.