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    She looks very visibly augmented. There’s a huge surge of celebrities going with super-overdone plastic surgery (think Kylie Jenner’s wax lips-looking mouth) and super overdone makeup and it’s really weird to look at.

    I am having the period to end all periods right now. Like it’s hemorrhage-level flow, I was writhing in pain all night and today I can barely move without feeling like I’m going to faint or barf. My husband told me to stay home so I could rest because he can see how awful it is. Meanwhile, these outdated belief

    The difference between Zsa Zsa and people like Paris Hilton and Kim Kardashian and all those types is that Zsa Zsa was outspoken and entitled back when it was socially taboo- Women were expected to act a certain way back then, and to proudly go around bragging about marrying and divorcing rich, getting attention just

    Now I can’t unsee a bear in that preview image.

    I feel like Veep did this whole scenario (but slightly different) last season..?

    Right? Not even every human being gets to be cremated or buried, so why do clumps of fetal tissue get this treatment? And then to have the woman pay for it?! jfc. I’d send it to Gov. Abbott in a ziploc bag so he could do it himself. Ask him to pay for a real nice service, maybe a big ol’ tombstone.

    Right? It was amazing for her to think to do that in such a brief window, and under threat right next to her. And the UPS driver is awesome for noticing it and following through right away. Yay both of them! I think the takeaway here should be that someone was able to help a very brave woman get out of a potentially

    What... did she think you were supposed to -do- with the hair..?

    I sort of brushed by it by mentioning that it is also legal in the US. She also paired it with prostitution in the same sentence, so the bulk of my response was focused on why those countries decriminalized sex work. Of course, she also claimed that Denmark has “the biggest drug problem in the world” which was a whole

    I’m sorry. =(

    I recently saw a few family members contribute to a conservative dogpile on some poor sap’s public Facbook post about Denmark, and decided I needed to respond to some of their bizarre claims, because allowing misinformation to exist won’t make it stop. Some of them included, “It’s the #1 country for suicide and

    “Business leaders, you will have to be clear about who you are. And you will have to be willing to stand to lose even a deal or two or 10 or even lose your business. But if you’re not clear, you will have no leg to stand on down the road. If you think you’re going to get away with it in the short run, I promise

    I 100% agree.

    This should be put front and center. His tantrums are just smokescreens.

    I think she’s doing her best to try and provide a positive example of her faith and culture where she can to masses who might otherwise not see someone in a hijab or a “burkini”, but I’m also firmly of the belief that beauty pageants are outdated, sexist, and harmful. So... I guess good for her for trying to combat

    I did the same. Someo fthose responses ranged from disheartening to terrifying. The one from the Florida elector is literally a guy who is the chairman of Trump’s Flordia campaign, so the likelihood of these assholes doing the right thing is zip.

    They should have taken action and didn’t. Too little too late, Delta. Although I’d bet money that the guy WANTED to get kicked off the plane so he could act like some neo-nazi martyr, like that weird Starbucks cup thing from last week.

    That’s horrifying. White boomers are breeding a culture of hate and fear of other races that should have died a long time ago. It’s horrifying the damage that they’re doing to our country now, and to future generations.

    It was definitely an election based on voting -against- someone more than it was voting -for- someone.

    Starring your comment because that was info that should have been included in the story. If the kid had a gun and was about to shoot him, that would be a different story. Even if they were threatening the old bastard with a gun, he should have told the store owners or the police or gone a different route back home or