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    This whole year has been rolling toward a lose/lost scenario. Ideally, it would have been something like Bernie/Kasich, where two less-polarizing but still idealogically different people would have run, but then the world went nuts. Everyhing has failed so spectacularly time and time again to lead us to this point.

    Funny how the party of “small government” wants far more control over our lives than the other side...

    Polls are garbage. Every pre-election poll should have ruined everyone’s trust in them forever.

    All I can think of when I hear Ted Cruz’s name is that tonsil stone he spat out and then ate on-air. hurrrk...

    I feel like that was the stance a politician took, which was quickly discredited by scientists and even, I believe, Jon Stewart before he left The Daily Show.

    Carrie Fisher 2020.
    Edit- with her running mate, Gary Fisher.

    True. Which is ridiculous, since those sort of regulations just prove that they don’t know anything about the procedures at all. I had a friend on my facebook just today say, “Does Planned Parenthood really need a rally? Obama signed Title X to protect them.” Clearly he hasn’t seen the barriers that politicians have

    Fuck yes! And I seriously don’t understand the staunch opposition to PP, especially by politicians. Abortions are -legal-, whether they like it or not. They can disagree with it on a personal level all they want, but ultimately, they can’t do shit about it and shouldn’t go after an institution that provides a

    When did he have time to join a fraternity and get two degrees..? Or is that just his way of lying to customers by presenting himself as Normal-Joe Trustworthy Totallynotaserialkiller?

    Seriously. You’d think giving a sex offender with a history of violence and mental illness access to empty properties wouldn’t be the best idea...

    Same. Growing up in a Fox News-obsessed household messed with my still-developing brain. I was convinced that Iraq *definitely* needed to be invaded and that all the protesters didn’t know what they were talking about. After moving from a blue to a red state at 19, I realized how wrong all of that right-wing garbage

    Does the Republican Party as a whole count?

    One of the only bits of trivia I know about LeBlanc is from an old Friends retrospective where he said he had to start dying his hair early on for the show because it started going gray early.

    I think Bernard might be a host who has at least some of his programming left from when Arnold was present. Hence his knowledge of the maze (which none of the other workers seem to acknowledge) and his obsession with allowing Dolores to gain cognizance.

    Right? I love voting by mail. It feels more private, and you can really sit down and research what and who you want to vote for. It’s baffling that it isn’t adopted country-wide, but yeah, that would make too much sense. It would also enable people who don’t have hours to kill standing in line in the middle of the day

    That’s hard to look at... yikes. Does everything in that guy’s life have to have some weird beigey, faux-gold hue?

    I’m loving that foundation line around Dumple’s face. BLEND, for god’s sake!

    I was off my feet for 2 months before delivery and 3 months after... I might hate your friend a little bit. =/

    Right? For god’s sake, he’s an undecided voter in October 2016, what do you expect?  Leave Ken Bones alone!

    PLEASE encourage your friend to call CPS. At the very least, they can check in with the mom and make sure the kids aren’t malnourished. I highly doubt they would take the kids away, but maybe it’ll snap the mom out of the social media mommy fog she’s lost in.