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    I am super stressed about a flight I have tomorrow, so I feel absolute sympathy for Selma Blair. =( It’s so easy to think that combining two things that are supposed to calm you down will be doubly effective, and sometimes when you’re so afraid and stressed that the one thing you’ve already taken isn’t working, it

    Legit thought the Pokemon’s name was Yuugos at first. Because he’s gonna be yuuuuuge

    Yeah, the lack of context doesn’t help things, but it’s also just a piss-poor example of what the movie should be promoting itself as. They should be showing X-men doing X-meny things like blasting shit or flying around or something awesome. Instead we get blue-person domestic abuse weirdness.

    ..... 18,000 times? Really?

    Apparently they think that skin color is determined the same way as mixing two colors of paint together in equal parts.

    True story: My husband was being told by someone close to him that he was going to hell for being pro-choice.
    Apparently that person saw the Facebook post mentioned here that night. They had gone to church with the asshole in the story.

    It’s unfortunate because there -is- a national social media event to raise awareness for gun violence (it’s tomorrow, not today, but still) by wearing orange. I think if it had been framed differently, it wouldn’t have been a problem. But by her saying “talking a selfie while watching gun violence”, she sounds like

    That’s horrible. =(

    Yeah, it’s adderall. I’ve tried other kinds, but none have worked very well. That was years ago though, so it might be time to ask if there’s something new. Thanks for the advice!

    Thanks! I will look into that. I’ve already cut my dosage down to 1/4 of what I used to take, and it’s by a different manufacturer (idk what happened to the orange oval-shaped ones, but they stopped being available where I live). I have a naturally quicker heartbeat, but taking these makes my resting heart rate

    I have such a complicated relationship with my ADHD and its medication... One the one hand, I love being able to function normally and be able to read something all the way through, or listen to a full conversation. On the other hand, my medication makes my heart race all the time, and I have this fear that is is

    My mom called me up when she got to that part of the book because she was so distraught. She hadn’t seen the show or knew any of the plot ahead of time, and she insisted he was a main character in the making. Oh, when she finished the third book...

    I just went to his Instagram and watched a video of him doing pull-ups for probably way longer than I should have...

    Yes, especially if you go by conception date and not the day of your last period. Some people can display symptoms of being pregnant even before their first missed period (I could tell mine by week 3), which is why they make early pregnancy tests. People just usually don’t tell anyone that early because of the high

    Is anyone else getting 2006-era MySpace vibes from these? Like those tacky glitter-gifs that people would slap all over the place. These look horrible...

    I can’t even deal with the mental image of whatever grumpy old retirees were watching the weather report, and were so shocked by the sight of a woman in a black dress that they rushed over to their computer to write up an e-mail before the weather report was even over.

    I shouldn’t laugh at that, but I did. <3

    whaaa a a aaaat?!

    Damned if you do, damned if you don’t. I’m sure she would have gotten letters telling her to smile if she was looking more serious on the label, too.

    THANK you! I wish that term was more prominent in this story. People are still stuck on these all-or-nothing labels of straight or gay, and it drives me crazy.