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    My kid just went to a Harry Potter themed party last week! It was awesome. They made potions and watched HP movies and the birthday girl was all dressed up for it. The cake was some fancy one with a white chocolate (gold-frosted) snitch, fondant scarf, chocolate wand, etc. They had that and butterbeer, so they were

    Throw some potatoes in the ground and call it good. =P Other than that, Kale is very durable.

    Help, the Stacie Venagro picture is weirding me out. Why is her belly all lumpy? What’s going on there? Is that what happens when you have a 6-pack and get pregnant?

    Right? I’m pretty sure like 80% of my female friends were “photographers” (or trying to be) at some point in our 20s. They would all eventually fall out of it after a year or two. The lesson here is not to use Facebook as a way to find a professional photographer.

    Or maybe, “Hey, shaved swear words and tiny dicks into the side of your head should probably be covered up while at work,” if they work with the public. But yeah, that’s it. I hate people policing hair (and it’s also 99.9% always women’s hair), and I extra-hate people policing curly girl hair. =/

    I guess if a weasel had a self-important, wall-eyed, shit-eating expression all the time, then yes.

    What’s even better is that she made that comment right after saying that he would never harm anyone. “Oh no, he wouldn’t hurt a fly! He’s so kind! But if anyone DARES SPEAK AGAINST HIM, HE WILL FLY OFF THE GODDAMN HANDLE.” v presidential.

    Can they just rip out the pages to be recycled? And then can they send their hollow, cheaply-glued husks to EL Jame’s house?

    That poor woman hates herself something fierce.

    They always go for the “abortion harms your mental health” angle, forgetting that 1) getting PREGNANT is what would have harmed it in the first place because it can be traumatizing as shit, and 2) having a baby isn’t the laugh-riot good time happy pill that these chucklefucks seem to think it is. An abortion is an

    You are the best. <3

    It was just the pure level of hipocracy in their statement- first complaining that she was acting like a liberal, then complaining about the lack of fairness because they DO expect Fox News to coddle everyone from the Republican side of the fence, and they view that as “fair and balanced”. I imagine this situation is

    That’s terrifying... I don’t know what drives people to that level of harrassment, as there are plenty of people living with mental illness that do NOT go around threatening lives/breaking into houses. It seems to happen disproportionately to women from men, although it certainly happens with men from women, too. It

    I seriously cannot believe that this was permitted. It’s disgusting.

    That’s what’s terrifying about our justice system- These people don’t get rehabilitated at all. They don’t get therapy, they don’t get medication, they just get stuffed in a jail cell to fester until they are let out. The justice system is bad for its inmates, but it’s also horrible for the women who these men want to

    I am grateful that my Fox News-loving parents are very much anti-Drumpf. It doesn’t make any sense for anyone, ESPECIALLY women, to think he’s a good candidate for -any- political office. This is the first time in over a decade that we have been able to agree on our dislike of a politician. Megyn Kelly is a broken

    He feels powerless because she is 1) a female and 2) has her own show to use as a platform to call him out from. He hates not being in charge of women and the media, and she embodies his fears of both. I mean, you saw how much he flipped his shit at Rosie O’Donnell back in the day. I imagine it’s 10x worse because

    I foolishly read the comments under the Fox News FB post (because sometimes I guess I need to0 punish myself) and one guy said something along the lines of, “I hate Megyn Kelly because she’s coming off like a Liberal attacking a Conservative! What happened to fair & balanced?!” That comment was so brain-bendingly

    Ugh. It sounded horrific... All this suffering and death for a shitty RE movie. =/

    Your response is spot-on. Asking for male dancers is overlooking the real issue here - that this industry claims to want to empower women to be a part of it, but then they go and hire women to be used as sexualized decorations at their parties. It’s not a safe atmosphere for women and it sure as shit isn’t going to