
Soooo….what’s your plan? Have White House interns hand deliver tests to people? Get the Army Corps employees to start manufacturing tests in-house? Arrest and force vaccinate the people who refuse to get the shot or forcibly remove them to remote locations?

Why is Steve Inskeep a “simp”?

You were for sure going to get HIV if you even looked at blood, as well.

I was born in ‘81. So I had an 80s/90s hybrid childhood. I missed out on that 80s teen fun and fashion. One thing a lot of young people don’t understand about the 80s? The paranoia. The misguided war on drugs had us all convinced a stranger would jump out at us and force us to take angel dust. We also had police come

i mean, that’s what my Person calls my belly, so, yes.

I cross stitched so much I had to take a break from it.

LMAO - The safest bet is to outlive the cat.  It breaks your heart, but they can’t eat you if you are still moving.  :-)

One of my cats is far more of a psychopath than the other, who is very sweet and affectionate with me. That said, I’m fairly certain (based on experiments with raw meat) that it’s the sweet and affectionate one who would eat my corpse while the psychopath would absolutely let his ass starve.

That’s the brain parasites talking.

Surprised the scratching section didn’t mention clipping claws.

To dissuade a cat from repeating unwanted behavior, gently blow in its face. The younger it is, and the closer you are to having adopted it, the more likely it is that this will work. Essentially, it’s the human take on how kittens train each other as they rumble. I saw it in the book Psycho Kitty, which I read before

A friend had a cat that could catch birds while tied up and wearing a bell collar.

I think that goes with the saying “Dogs have masters, cats have staff.”

Well, now I’m afraid I may me a psychopath. I had a cat before I met and married my wife, and the cat and I got along famously. My wife tolerated me (mostly) but actively disliked the cat. The cat and I would regularly gang up on her and cause mischief, together or each on their own, whenever we got the chance. I do

A cat’s behaviour is at least partially related to the behaviour of the humans around them. Have a crazy unpredictable house with lots of little humans running around doing weird things? Expect that cats will be more “psychopathic.”

Mine are adorable.

I’ve never understood what the correlation between the size of a cat’s brain and anything you could consider measurable intelligence is or why it keeps getting brought up. I’ve seen cat’s solve problems that I’ve seen humans fail at (opening childproofed cabinet doors is the best example). They have far greater

My cat would be surprised to know he’s supposed to be solitary because he thinks he needs to be with me every moment of the friggin day.  

Good point, but as a parent, I can tell you that kids will actually listen to other kids, especially cousins. Mason’s giving good advice. Coming from him, it’s something little North is likely to take seriously. I also applaud KKW for backing Mason’s involvement here. I think it helps strengthen the family and maybe

Adults with children really need a fresh slap in the face about sharing videos/photos of their kids on public social media accounts