
Exactly! “Oranges taste good” is an opinion. “The Earth is flat” is a misconception.

I absolutely think that’s true.

I was so excited to read this because I finally had a reduction on Thursday!!! So I might actually give Rihanna’s line a try once I’m out of compression bras. But for my busty sisters out there, the best advice I can give you is to find out your true size (I went to Nordstrom and they were so helpful and actually sold

Now playing

Ok I’m grey and born slightly too late for I Spy but must point out that you overlooked Picture Pages! An integral part of the Cosby Canon. (Unless that was just a Philly thing?)

Excellent point! I hadn’t even thought of that. The same people with their panties in a bunch about Wolf (not) picking on SHS’s looks were the ones calling Michelle an ape and transvestite. It’s revolting.

I feel like the implication is that wives and mothers are morally superior and emotionally fragile? As both a wife and a mother I can assure you that neither is true.

Is she pushing a stroller? But I thought wives and mothers were unassailable!

You’re a bit harsh about it but I have to agree with you. Cataloging every little gaffe and snarking about his health can make us feel some temporary superiority. But in the long run it exasperates his supporters and sends them even further into his camp. If we want him out in 2020 we need to stop. Fast.

Yeah I’m not sure it’ll be the same without the dispenser box. Close enough though. I’ve never had the cola bottles coated in anything, I’m intrigued! The frogs are probably my #1, then maybe the happy cherries? Twin snakes and rattlesnakes, of course. Ok now I want gummies. And sad but true- I have a bag of twin

Nerds have definitely maintained their appeal, as long as it’s not that newfangled Nerd Rope. I’m deep into a Haribo gummy phase but I decided to do some sleuthing and BEHOLD:

Tart n Tiny’s!! And Nerds that came 2 flavors to a box with cool little dispensers on top! Do you remember the giant chewy sweet tarts? Man I loved Wonka candy.  

Ah, I didn’t think about that.

What about Zenobia Scroff (pic above)? Do you think she didn’t get the memo or just doesn’t care?

Ahh, hence the scene of Eugene removing the speaker. I actually thought he was looking for or planting a bug and completely missed it on the drone. I wasted most of the episode speculating about that. I can be incredibly obtuse. I sometimes wonder how I make it through daily life.

I’m embarrassed to ask this, but where was Rick in the very last scene? The Sanctuary, right? You weren’t kidding about them giving us no sense of the geography around there.

I’ve gotten sucked into watching him just because I’m intrigued by his eyes. They’re so small that it doesn’t make sense. I need to see him without glasses. I assumed they’d be even smaller but seems like you’re saying no?

The article was even better than the picture. Thank you?

Ha. I guess that probably was the exact justification he used.

Lol, I admit I’ve done all these things in order to pull George Costanza naps. Which is probably why I don’t have a job.

You’re right, of course. I was just thinking Lauer might offer up the need-to-focus excuse for the lock and it would be hard to prove otherwise. Not that they’ll need to, there’s more than enough damning evidence without the creepy remote lock.