“And why don’t we have a viable opposition that brings up Trump’s disgusting and blatant hypocrisy?”
“And why don’t we have a viable opposition that brings up Trump’s disgusting and blatant hypocrisy?”
I keep thinking nothing he does will shock me but “oligarchic media” is just too much. When I heard that I looked at my husband and said, “Jesus christ, that’s like saying...” and just trailed off. There is honestly nothing I can compare it to. It’s a unique kind of stupid.
Counterpoint: CNN just reported that Trump has started using the term “the oligarchic media.” I’m thinking that yes, he is a dolt. But I agree with you, we’re much safer overestimating him.
Thank you! Sleep problems are just the worst but the doctor I’m seeing kicks ass, I’m pretty optimistic for the first time in years. If I get the sleep AND the peeing worked out I won’t know what to do with myself!
Oh no, not coffee! Actually I’ve been having reflux issues so this is just another reason to cut back or quit. The acidic aspect certainly makes sense. I’ll give the baking soda a try or look for the Prelief. It’s really encouraging to know there are so many simple ways to treat IC and UTIs. I’ve been feeling pretty…
The nights are killing me, it’s only been this bad for maybe a year or two but I get up constantly. I have other sleep problems I’m currently seeing a specialist for, but between both issues I’m so sleep-deprived I’m barely functional most days. Fun. For the UTIs I can usually get through them by drinking a ton and…
Thank you for this! I will give all of these a try, the d-mannon especially sounds promising. It’s funny, I stopped taking antibiotics for everything else (sinus infections usually), not sure why I thought UTIs were any different.
Same boat. I get UTIs with ridiculous frequency. Sex, tampons, someone looks at me sideways, you name it. For years I was prescribed an antibiotic to take after sex (just 1 dose). But I saw a new gyn this fall and he wouldn’t give them to me, just said to call next time I “thought” I had one. I thought he was just…
Exactly. Preaching to the choir does nothing. I’d say the vast majority of people want to be understanding and would be perfectly fine replacing offensive terms. They just need to know what those terms are! And what was offensive about the old ones. I think the left in general needs to get its priorities straight or…
There is nothing wrong with wanting people to package their ideas in a way that avoids offense, but you have to recognize that great ideas can be packaged poorly and horrific ideas can be packaged well.
Omfg! That is unbelievable. If he hadn’t said, “I am the only one professional enough to handle this gun” 10 seconds before it went off he might have been able to live this down eventually. But my god, that’s Shakespearean level hubris there.
I humiliated myself yesterday taking a quiz on Esquire’s site. I had to match song clips to their album cover. From about 2000 on I failed miserably but when I saw the answers I at least recognized most of them as bands that exist and produce music. Even if I’d never heard said music. But these lists? If you told me…
Has camp become politicized somehow? I’ve honestly never heard any arguments for or against sleepaway camp but two different people mentioned it in these comments. I’m really curious.
Yeah someone else said he probably had a concealed carry permit, though. I have no idea how the law in CA works but I’ve seen pictures of people in conceal carry states with guns tucked into their pants (oddly a lot of them keep it in the back of their pants - ???). Maybe it was totally legal for him to carry it like…
Oh I didn’t know that about the safety. I mean I can almost see how he might have grabbed it on his way outside as a complete last-resort, just in case thing. Maybe things had gotten ugly with the kids before, I don’t know. But as a cop, someone with extensive training in gun safety, how the hell do you accidentally…
Oh I’m sure it’s not that simple. Obviously there are two sides to every story. But say this kid was indeed a complete asshole who took great delight in sullying a freshly sodded lawn. And maybe he told the cop to fuck off the first 20 times the cop tried talking to him. That still doesn’t warrant pulling a gun and…
Ha! I actually had a hard time wording my comment because of all the double-entendré in this story.
It makes absolutely no sense that his gun just “went off.” He had no business carrying a loaded gun in the first place. And he just happened to have the safety off and what, it fell out of his pocket and into his hand?
My exact thought was “shot-sized? But that’ll only hold... a shot.”
Starred then remembered I already turned 43 this fall. Oops.