
I was taught that you should wear your bag across your body whenever possible to prevent purse-snatching. If a bag has a strap long enough to wear it across my body, I always do so. Keeps my hands freer and again, harder to snatch.

Wait, what? If the designer asked me, I would say “YES, crossbody strap it up! I need and want a crossbody strap.” First of all, the straps have never bothered my bosom (which is ample). Second, the other options suck. Do I carry the strap on my sloping shoulder and it constantly slides off and I have to grab the bag

I think we can all agree with your assessment. The low information voters who voted “leave” still seem utterly clueless to what’s coming.

Orrr there should never have been a such a flippant, ill-defined referendum on something that the majority of the public had no clue about which directly contravened a peace treaty which had already been put to a referendum and had a definitive mandate.

I think that you have now moved into the #1 Jezebel staff position for me with your bold & fearless take on this one. I've always liked Ashley, but I've never understood her anti-mint/chocolate stance. Mint chocolate chip ice cream? Delightful! Girl Scouts thin mints cookies? Delicious! After Eight thin mints? Lovely!

I’m on team “The egg is bad.” It’s just too busy and the words don’t stand out well. It’s classically Trump: “more is more.” The tacky gold room of papercraft, if you will. And I happen to love this medium fwiw.

How are you typing, you’ve been CANCELED

wow okay bitch

Christ, what a tacky piece of shit.

honestly, fair

Whoever is giving her this quilling egg should be giving her a pysanka egg, she’s a slav, and pysanka can be used to trap evil spirits inside, then the next thing you know, everyone in the administration is trapped inside a hollow egg shell for all eternity. 

honestly I’m wondering if I can even trust myself now : (

Can I even trust you anymore???

I was like, “HOW BIG IS HER UTERUS.” 

“It is a conspiracy, and I will say that the left is very, very good at doing this sort of thing to get their agenda promoted. They punish those who go against them.”

When Johnson has reached her limit—when she sees the fetus trying to outrun an abortion—she seeks out the organization behind the protesters.”


Helpful and compassionate?!?! Yelling at women telling them they’re baby killers is “helpful and compassionate?” Sure, Jan. 

“Abortion is our fries and soda,” she spits. “Abortion is what pays your salary... Abortion is what pays for all of it and your family.”

He’s clearly a right-wing incel with too much time on his hands.