
I believe the specific revelation was having more children than he’d previously revealed, but yeah. And one of Charlotte’s brothers was in a nightclub brawl a few years ago, and her mother’s current husband is a complete dirtbag, and so on and so on.

Didn’t prince Albert II’s wife try to leave him the night before their wedding? Mostly because of his philandering?

Charlotte Casiraghi is Grace Kelly’s granddaughter. Her mom is Caroline, the Princess of Monaco (although I guess she is still going by her estranged husband’s title so she’s styling herself Princess of Hannover still?) I did not believe Charlotte was pregnant with Brad Pitt’s baby because all the women in that family

I’m sure you’re 181% pure magic.

He had the rotten teeth and weird resource hoarding issues

This little guy was also a NMDR rescue. He had the rotten teeth and weird resource hoarding issues, and was 181% pure magic. I will always be grateful to NMDR for bringing him to my life.

Gosh, that dead soul (Ann Coulter) almost made me like her with how Grinch-y that statement was.

“We singles live empty lives of quiet desperation...”

Ann Coulter’s “hot take” on Rubio, while not supporting happiness and joy is the most Ann Coulter thing she could have said for the upcoming holidays.

Yes I’ve always thought that Motorsports are where women have a slight physical advantage.

Very True. It’s not like motorsports require massive amounts of strength and speed like other pro-sports. Endurance, hell yes!, but woman are pretty equal to men in that regard. So this all comes down to cultural issues/stigmas, not actual physical ones.

to be honest, (and I will rely on some generalizations here) many/most women are smaller in physique (whilst still being strong in muscle to body mass type measurements) than most of their male counterparts. When thinking of race car packaging, and #AddLightness it makes sense to have a strong fit woman than a strong

I love this thread! Good things that happened to me in 2017:

Congratulations! I’m glad you had those good things happen. For myself, I got an apartment by myself, I took my own needs seriously and went back to therapy, and I am actually taking pretty decent care of myself. Hooray!

Because Jez has decided to hate Taylor so she’s not allowed to enjoy anything in life, not even a healthy relationship, professional success, and her damn birthday.

I’m with Taylor. 2017 has been great for me personally. I moved abroad, found a great new job, made some amazing new friends, turned 30, travelled a bunch, got in the best shape of my life, and have been just generally living my best life. Donald Trump is making the world an actual nightmare, and that sucks every day,

I had a good year too. My first real vacation that wasn’t just going to my mom’s house, my job is good, and I got divorced from The Asshole.

Ugh, seriously? She was posting a birthday thank you message to her fans. It’s unreasonable to expect that she use a thank you birthday Instagram to complain about her life because a) she did have a good year and b) most people post a positive message when they are saying thank you for all the birthday wishes. Also,

I don’t care for Taylor Swift’s music but if you’re going to claim she used feminism to make herself famous and rich you should probably throw in that she also used her song writing skills to create music that appeals to millions, marketing skills that keep her in the headlines, and from what I read, artistic and