
Where not to start with Bad Religion: googling Greg Graffin's dick pics.

I agree with both those assessments. I found bit Baghead and Do-Deca Pentathalon to be very enjoyable.

I got their guitar player sooo high at a house show, he was tripping major balls. He kept flipping between worrying about the cops coming for him and how being in Canada is like being on the Truman Show. It was very endearing.

Oh, fer sure. That another guy was an idiot.

Misogynist? I think that's what you're going for.
Although, looking at the characters he glorifies, yeah, misanthrope works, too, I guess.

I've never seen a Twilight movie but I just assume I like her because of Adventureland.

1. Potemkin
2. Supporting Caste
3. Less Talk
4. Today's Empires
5. Failed States
6. How to Clean
…is the order I listen to them.


"I don't even know anymore." - Banksy

Dude, don't harsh their cred.

My old band shared a jam space with these guys. We had to kick them out because they'd take off with our gear to play shows without telling us.
Funny seeing them here.

Belgium only plays for about 5 minutes a game, but, boy, do they play for those 5 minutes!

A loss will still allow for the US to advance depending on goal aggregate. I think the team is still in a great position to advance.

It's like Speed 2 but on a bus!

Well, I guess that settles it then, doesn't it. Sheesh. Some people…

I'd say Paradise is probably the best distillation of the Paint It Black sound. Aside from the instrumentals that pad out the running time, there's very little on New Lexicon that they didn't do better on Paradise.
That being said, Give Blood steamrolls over anything in Dan Yemin's discography.

Live from the Hardback has a great write-up about what the early days of the band was like. guess there was a lot of seclusion and collaboration, writing a line than passing the notebook for the next guy to add a line.
I agree with 1940sfighterjet about the change with Flight and a Crash. I remember Epitaph streaming

Here's what I'll offer: I don't actually want any equity, but instead ask for a 10% royalty until I recoup my investment and then a 5% royalty in perpetuity.

That's great! I can't wait to see what he has to say.

please let Chris Hannah be interviewed for this. please, please, please…