
I will not commit to this list! I just wanna participate!

That's what I loved about it: even at their most vulnerable, they never betrayed their platonic relationship. I feel that it's us the viewers that bring the sense of impending romance (due to convention), but the characters themselves are fully aware of their status as friends. It's very refreshing.

Really? I really liked Drinking Buddies, but I found the ending (which I loved) to be very clear and a perfect summation of these characters' relationship.

The question is: how long did he have to wait to be ready for that second coming?

Dust. Wind. Dude.

"I like your boobs."

"Sucks to your ass-mar!"


Not even Dennis is sure to what to think of his fantasy.

I keep bouncing back and forth between Fever Hunting and the new Defeater. Even though Defeater are probably a much better band technically, I'm really starting to lose interest in their whole Faulkner-esque concept, whereas MILW aren't just angry with themselves; they're pissed off at the world (still).

That's not what Book of Mormon told me…