
In Brazil we don’t strictly follow the “one drop rule”, and prejudice is more based on visual perception. Even if people knows you are of African ancestry, as long as you can pass as white, or is a light skinned mixed person, you are pretty much shielded from most of the effects of racism. To give you a proper

“. . . what is he offering up as a solution?”

I think what’s great about the movie is that it contects “modern day” liberal racism with the history of slavery. Yes, white people interacting with Chris was cringeworthy, but the horror is what they want to do with Chris’s body and all the other black bodies in the film. It’s not just about white people being

This movie is perfect. I saw it in a theater of mostly white people (I am white) and as I was leaving, a white woman behind me opined “I get the commentary, but what is he offering up as a solution?”

YES! Kaluuya is freaking amazing. The scene where he is being hypnotized? Yikes, I felt so awful for him being forced to re-live an experience he really did not want to. And yes, the auction. OMG. So subtle and yet, so so charged with historical resonance.

Oh, she switched the envelopes for real.

WAIT. In the second photo, Jimmy Kimmel is sitting between Matt Damon and Salma Hayek, or am I crazy?

He really should play a Civil War general in his next film. The hair and make-up team could coast through it.

Hidden Fences should have taken it all down. Happy that at least the first black Muslim got his though. Mahershala Ali is truly an iconic artist. He makes everything he’s in better and that isn’t just in film but in real life too. He is a charitable force to be reckon’d with, and he ain’t hard on the eyes.

I’m not trying to fuel your anxiety, but that’s a valid concern. My marriage isn’t the best right more and with every temper tantrum my husband has, a little bit of love and dedication goes away permanently. I don’t even bother getting him gifts anymore. I don’t even think about it! How sad is that?

I think you can be both, but the concept of traditional marriage is pretty inherently “non-feminist”.

Is she fucking serious? If you are married, then you cannot be a feminist? What absolute horseshit. People listen to this woman?

We can talk about that, but let’s not pretend that suddenly capitalism is an issue when a Black woman is rich and famous as fuck. Let’s not criticize every famous Black woman who says she’s a feminist while praising famous white women for the bare minimum. And let’s not dismiss Beyonce for being sexual while praising

Same. Although she had a point to be made about Beyonce and Capitalism, but we’re not allowed to talk about that so.....

It’s so sad that the term has been ruined to the point where actual feminists don’t want to use it anymore. I’ll still use it. I may not write books, but I feel like just saying I’m a feminist is confrontational enough to make a point. I’ll let my words and actions be a witness to what feminism is actually about, to

Jesus christ. With all of the problems law enforcement and our legal system need to be concerned with... we’re fucking throwing out human beings like we’re throwing out the trash. Dammit people! Just... dammit.

The sooner people realize McCarthy is in the top 5 of the funniest people who ever lived ever the better off we’ll all be.

Fuck you! Elton John is fine.

This is the most heartbreaking of all. I saw George in concert twice, the first time in 1987 in Honolulu when I was ten years old. The Faith album still stands as one of the greatest pop albums ever made. I know every song, every word. I saw him again in 2008, just about twenty years later, in DC. I cannot express how

Already forcing women to do something with their bodies against their will, and he’s not even president yet.