
There will probably be a second season given it's popularity. I saw enough people dressed up as Recon Squad members at my last Con to make an entire real Recon Squad.

I didn't like the anime much myself either. Watched up to the intermission episode and just couldn't watch anymore beyond that.

Only reason I mentioned uk and jp websites was to show that there is still worldwide distribution of the OS out there. and Frys also have the OS in plentiful amounts. Almost every major online retailer of software has it in stock.

I don't have any problem with the hardware of a chromebook. It's the software that I find useless.

Considering he's using Solidwords it's more likely he has newer computer hardware but downgraded the OS to work with the old software due to compatibility issues.

Notice that I stated very specifically that for many users Linux will do everything that they want. I did not say that it will work for ALL users.

Every person has different needs. A netbook's use is limited already to going online, checking e-mail, and very light word processing. Which Linux can provide out of the box.

Most personal money management tools and genealogy searches are done through the browser.

So you are saying you don't like Chrome OS...gotcha >.>

I just found copies of windows 7 on,, and Seems pretty easy to find for me.

I'll be honest. If anyone ever got me a Chromebook I would immediately put Linux on it. I just don't see any purpose for Chrome OS to even exist.

Depends on the use. If you are using some legacy software that requires XP to operate then your best choices are Windows 7 or running XP in a VM. Both methods work fine with legacy software.

Why spend $200 when you can spend $0? Same thing will happen when her Chromebook goes down and she can't access anything that's on it.

Get Ubuntu or Mint onto a flash drive and install it on your aunt's netbook. Show her which icon takes her to her e-mail and which icon takes her to the internet.

Heck my 60 year old mother figured out Ubuntu. I just showed her which icons took her to her e-mail and her web browser and she was fine with it.

Here's the thing....the article mentioned Chrome OS. If any OS is at the pinnacle of not being useful for anyone other than tech savvy people it's Chrome OS.

No mention of Linux at all as an upgrade option? It's free, it's easy to install, and for many users it will do everything they want. Plus it has a heck of a lot more functionality than Chrome OS and more app support.

In this day of age where people switch between iOS devices, Android devices, and Windows devices all

The reason I said .38g is because if you want to use centripetal force to mimic gravity it would be easier to have it rotate to .38g than it would be to mimic 1g.

It would be better to test the effects of .38g on the Heart cause that's what they'll have to deal with on Mars.

Not really, many of the "No Data" points could be considered "Don't know" when you do a quick search for the information and find that it's there.

Like I said before, they shouldn't include cities in there list where they have no data at all.

Note how that bit of information is buried in the detailed city information page and not on the front page where all the scores are listed. Disclosure should be up front and prominent. It would be nice if on the Key at the top of the chart it had popups that came up when you hover over each color to better explain