
Famous last tweet from Lulz

So let me get this straight. Another company creates a superior product than your own, sells it, beats you in the market, and your only response is to try and sue them for hurting your bottom line?

Well as the old saying goes. The simplest way is usually the best way. More or less.

I have a feeling that these guys won't be posting anything in the near future.

By watching humans flail their arms around like retards? More like this is why Skynet decided to kill all the humans in the first place.

$300 or higher is too expensive for a portal gaming system in my books. If it's anywhere in that range then I can't see any justification to get it when I can just go grab some games on my mobile phone. Plus you have to add in the cost of the 3G service if you want to go that route.

I have a sinking feeling that this thing is going to be expensive as hell.

I don't know who does the negotiating for AT&T but they aren't being paid well enough.

You were saying?

I have serious doubts on if the Music Studios will allow Google to stream music over the internet, even if people already own an album license. I fully expect the studios to make a move to shut Google down. Google may be a large company, but they are peanuts when compares to the Music Industry.

I wouldn't sat that it's because it doesn't make Apple any money. I would say it's because it doesn't let the STUDIOS make any money. Let's try to be clear here, it's the studios that are the problem, not Apple.

Can't say I've experienced the same. Never had a dropped call in the med center and the only time i ever had a dropped call downtown was around main street square. Other than that never an issue, heck i got reception in the downtown tunnels!

I didn't even know there were dead spots in Houston. It's not as if there's anything to block the signals. Still glad we finally get something before those Coasters.

I haven't eaten at Taco Bell in years....or any fast food place in general. Can't trust any of their "food".

Actually a lot of people don't notice but the bottom of most drink containers are roughly the same diameter until you get to those super jump sizes like you see at the movie theaters. And I can't imagine anyone buying that much coffee.

A lot of people choke on ice cubes every day you know. >.< I would prefer for them to be a bit larger imo.

Why not turn those beans into a large disc that you can plop into any size drink and watch it drop to the bottom while removing the risk of accidentally swallowing them?

I like the fact that I can take my El Cheepo ATT phone anywhere in the world and have it work. Can't say the same with Verizon. And service varies from city to city. I've yet to have any issues with ATT.