
Matt was the Poor.

I agree with this. Matt was the Poor.

Couldn't really stand Stefan but Paul Wesley never failed to amuse me in an interview. I really like him and that dry humor.

It kinda saddens me that though that (IMO way preferable) fate went to Bonnie, I'm not sure the creators didn't see it as a less empowering one than Caroline's? Like they obvz gave more thought to Caroline's possible future…which made it worse. #eek

Okay I was traveling when I first watched, have rewatched now and thought about it a little and I am with whoever said the loved ones aren't other-sidey ghosts. I now think most of the other-sidey places including Bon's dimension are gone and they are more in the minds of the people who loved them than there? IDK,

Gotta give it to Matt, not only did he survive, he got the best line of the night.

Never getting over that but I think I have now understood it that they were trying to say when the twins siphoned Bonnie, her link to her own dimension dissolved. Perhaps the whole dimension dissolved, releasing Enzo back into the wilds of "peace". Which…stupid, unclear, UNACCEPTABLE. #damnthem

Wicked smaht.

She kinda left her kids for a guy before thoooo… :|

Eh if I wanted the book version of the story I would read the books, though…

Those brochures almost ruined that scene for me. They were like hand drawn? Unless Mystic Falls' scenesters are trying to make artisanal travel guides happen WTF this is not 1973.

Nina looked so oddly like Jennifer Connelly here for me, I found it distracting.

Paul strikes me as having tons of potential as a director!

I always found Somerhalder to be generally terrible as an actor, though he surprised me occasionally.

Wait. I rewatched and currently I think Bonnie's dimension was temporary and is gone… the fuck?! #ihateyoushow

Yeah, I saw it. It was cool but I cringed so hard.


I am laughing so hard at your flawless depiction of the epic Steroline blowoff. Gah, he was the WORST to her. I feel truly sorry for her on this being portrayed in any way as her "meant to be".

Ehhh…In my private version of Bonnie's upcoming life, she doesn't have time for that mess.

It's kinda weird, right? I didn't think they'd go there. Huh.