
I consider this show to be a soap opera. Typical? IDK, prob…I don't watch all that much narrative TV. I got hooked on this one because of its quirky, darkish-vanilla prettiness - which for me describes both the cast and production design at its best.

Womp womp.

Well. I didn't deeply read past your first two sentences here. But.

I'm afraid you have chosen the wrong forum in which to be wrong on so many levels.

His own enthusiasm for his terrible ideas is convincing and relatively charming, I suppose. But he used to get it right at least occasionally, right? He now is down to about a 5% chance he has accurately calculated the situation and motivations of those around him.

*stifled laughter*


Yeah - I figured at first the kids would walk out in their bubble and Bonnie would be dead? That she survived by proxy was really enjoyable for those two minutes before she passed out near-dead. Again.

Cade was def attractive and I think the actor acquit himself as well as he could. They underutilized him and gave him shit material. Which is a thing TVD obvz enjoys doing!

I am torn.

What a pile of crap, geez. Terrible pacing and moments that were meaningful or true were way outnumbered by filler dreck, and tainted by false notes and plot/rule holes (still love my faves, who do their best with not-much). You really would not think these folks had been writing a show for 8 years.

It's just unbelievable.

Yep, whenever Enzo's selling the need for Bonnie to not just forgive Stefan but share in his happiness? He is sweet and above it all now but it's so too much that I also briefly considered possession of some kind. What a waste!

The wedding was as pathetic as Caroline and Stefan deserved. The minimally contained contempt on Bonnie's face (was I projecting? maybe!) said it all.

Enzo having to carry water for Stefan in one scene was painful but now TWO?! I can accept it on some level as angelic character growth for him but barely. It's just too ridiculous and insulting a use of this poor, long suffering character.

I'm so sorry I couldn't keep it in. He's def still fine (if not exactly still "foine").

It's weak af!

I hope not to miss my faves (Graham and Malarkey for me) on the tube for long. I'll miss their (often neglected and always mistreated!) characters but for the actors, I'm feeling the end of TVD as more of a liberation. Fingers crossed.

He was awfully pretty. Was.
*ducks and runs*

That was the BEST. All the respect Steven deserves.