
It is embarrassing to read the comments of this page and see the vitriolic tone imbued into every mention of the republican party. WAKE THE FUCK UP PEOPLE. There are pieces of shit on every side of the political landscape. Elizabeth Warren used her 1.6 percent Native ancestry to get not one but two different jobs.

Oh, and his dog Jimbo was locked in a room, sitting in his own piss.

No, did you even read my post? If you don’t have a friend, relative or neighbor that you trust enough to care for your pet the way you would and not turn your house into their own sex palace, then no, you should not have a dog. I have kids. You know who watches them if we need to go out without them? Friends,

Given all the various possible scenarios, I’d say finding his pup sitting in its own piss is very bad but it’s still better than about 90% of the alternatives he might have walked in on with his dog being in that house with those people at that time.  

“I’d like to apologize to him for making him feel like I violated his house

Serena is the GOAT, and thinking about how much her continuous success must anger racists and sexists brings me great joy

This might have made a good Roberta Flack & Donnie Hathaway joint back in the day.

Shelley Winter’s Stunt Double ain’t shit.

Came for the memes, stayed for the first use of “malum in se” vs. “malum prohibitum” since 1L crim law. Well played.

I notice at the end that she puts on the “white woman in distress” water works for the cop. It is almost as if she reads The Root and answers the challenge, “Create a video that personifies the stereotypical white woman.”

She sees a black man with dark shades on, wearing a MAGA hat and walking with what appears to be either a really tanned white woman or what could be a white latina Cher lookalike. She calls the cops because it’s obvious the black guy is up to no good and she doesn’t feel safe.

That’s all he fucking does, has been for years. Always has to tell black people that we’re wrong because he consulted his black wife. Did you know he has a black wife? He has a black wife.

Currently dating a white man who I have regularly frank discussions about race and gender politics with little to no discomfort and defensiveness, so no, I don’t need to work through shit or accept things that I don’t have to accept.

I don’t think a person being uncomfortable or defensive makes them a bad person or constitutes a situation in which it would be necessary to just abandon the relationship. White people are going to be uncomfortable when the topic of race comes up. You need to realize that white people are tagged as the villains in

To all you who kicked back and didn’t say a mumbling word when Owen went in on Mo’Nique over some shit that didn’t even involve him, don’t get mad now, sit your ass down. He should have been checked into the boards with a 2 by 4 but nope, you thought that shit was funny.

Also, word of advice to black women who want to expand their dating pool:

The present administration and its supporters are going to put The Onion out of business.

Man Steals Neighbor’s Underwear, Leads Police On Brief Chase

I suppose Bill Cosby has found a judge he likes.

I’m really glad to hear that about John Goodman.