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Someone else probably already posted it, but I love the version of The End is the Beginning is the End in the Watchmen trailer. It got me legitimately excited to see that movie. That was when I realized Zack Znyder is a horrible director.

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Don’t play video games. Don’t care about video games. When this commercial came out, I could’ve watched it on a loop for hours.

50 Shades of Grey’s Crazy in Love? It’s less trying to be spooky and more trying to be sexy, but it counts.

The other problem is a triangle has three points and the Knicks currently have one of those points.

Old White Man Wants Things To Be The Way They Used To Be

If they don’t care about those things, then they need to stop openly courting those beliefs; stop courting bigots and racists and putting those things in their platform. Until then, your “secret” is bullshit and this is the stuff your party stands for.

Never mind that their entire “economic” message is a lie, too.


I look at it this way ... when rules don’t favor republicans they just make up new rules, shoddiliy justify this absurd rulemaking, then continue under the auspices of their new absurd rules. See the Merrick Garland nomination. See the efforts to suppress minority voter turnout with armed white militiamen or ID

I’m someone who’s freely criticized both major parties in the past and will certainly do so in the future, but the Democratic Party wasn’t the one stirring its base into a frenzied bloodlust about jailing and executing the opponent, or crafting outlandish conspiracies like saying the opponent murdered people.

I voted early and I’m convinced there needs to be some sort of test you take before you’re allowed to vote. Just basic test to make sure you’re not a complete maniac. I don’t know how many people had to be told the booth was not touch screen and how many others couldn’t work the little wheel. There was also a 60ish

Newton’s style of play has nothing to do with this. You’re ignoring the fact that Newton did get rid of the ball quickly on the play that got him amped up. Human error happens in officiating, yes. But as Bowen’s piece demonstrates, Newton is frequently not getting calls for basic hits in the pocket that other QBs are

The rules have changed since when Tom Brady started his career. Come to think of it, the hit that got Newton fired up is similar to the one that knocked Brady out for the entire 2008 season. All Newton did was demand that the current rules be enforced for him.

Cam: “Hey, can you please start enforcing the rules you’ve created?”

Guys, child slavery is really bad and I could’ve done more to fight against it, but I decided to focus on staying quiet because football.

I agree. If they wanted to write and include the note to her- fine. But posting it publicly is crossing boundaries/ a bit of a violation to me. Not cool.

Did you read the article? They changed the dress code after the fact. I mean, brush up on the reading comprehension a bit if you want to call someone an idiot.

You seem like a person who lacks empathy, and enjoys the suffering of others.

This feels like a Brian Hoyer pass that, while technically was where the receiver was supposed to be, gets returned for a pick six because of misreading the defense.

I’m 38 and I give myself hand jobs nearly every day.

Hand jobs are awesome, and if you think they’re just for teenagers, it’s because your woman (or man) has got no skills.

Ooh. He’s getting handjobs from a broad who let Tiger Woods use her asshole as a spittoon. Impressive.