
+1, but I am admittedly an old (Gen X) and I like peace and quiet (not yappy interwebs “personalities” as an accessory to news content.)

I hate videos. Who are asking for them? Teens? Millenials? Videos are the single worst way to consume blog-like content and I hate how much it’s shoved in our faces. No one fucking wants videos.

I hope the conversation went something like

Ocean’s 14: Divorced Dad Hangout

I was diagnosed with fibro 8 years ago. It started with a repetitive stress injury that seemed to spread and then just didn’t get better. Blood tests, MRI, neurologist, etc. Muscle pain, joint pain, nerve pain. One day I woke up with tingling in my legs, which scared the hell out of me. My doctor said, “This is a

Kitten spam! This is my new kitty/angel who is a 13 week old ragdoll. He is the best purrer and cuddler I’ve ever met and I’m so delighted to have him as a companion.

If they have rodents, that’s one thing but bedbugs literally do not care if you are clean as a whistle or dirty as can be. They are much harder to get rid of with clutter but bedbugs will take up residence ANYWHERE and they SUCK SO MUCH. Our neighbors (in a duplex) had them. We never got them that I know of - no

i like it, sort of a variant of hbo go.

This was Big Foot’s first week of school and already she is bitching and complaining about it. She is dragging her feet on her community service hours- she was supposed to be done with all of them by the 14th- she is not going to be anywhere near done. She cannot understand why she has to do community service at all

He has an entire platform. And I don’t know what he has to complain about, he has a window seat cushion CUSTOM MADE for him to sit on so he can stare out the window all day in comfort.

I’m sitting here with a baby on my breast having nothing of interest to bring up. Baby started daycare, I started back at work, everything is pretty okay right now. Starting today I’m cutting my Zoloft dose (PPD yay!) in half for the next month and then hopefully stopping entirely. I have a milk surplus, currently

My significant other has been having some minor health crisis (blood pressure related, on meds, been to doctor, all that jazz) and he’ been dealing with the realities of having to eat like an adult and not eat a ton of sodium. It’s been a few months, and it’s becoming exhausting on my end to constantly have to applaud

A woman in Starbucks was yelling at the employees for getting her drink wrong, even though she didn’t know what a frappucino meant. I got involved and asked her to lower her voice because she was being an asshole. Turned to me and shoved her hand in my face and said “well at least I don’t have a nose axe,” referring

Emily’s shaved patches have grown in nicely. She is frisky and happy, which is all that I could ask of her.

My first week at my new job was really good. I have my own office with windows that open, but my husband is most impressed that I have my own printer. They asked me to pull a list from the database, so I did, and they said the results were perfect. Go me! They have a pretty good 401k plan too, they match up to 6% and

Thank you for reminding us of this. Also, dude got absolutely beautiful Chinese girlfriend preggers- AND DUMPED HER WHILE PREGNANT.

This is awesome. I hate when people pull the “humans are not supposed to be monogomous” card as a rationale for why their behavior is ok. Monogamy, non-monogamy- whatever works for you is fine, but it has to be open and honest or you’re just being an asshole.

Keep in mind this is a dude who was getting some from Elizabeth Hurley but apparently a smoking hot actress/model wasn’t enough for the dude and he had to hunt down some prostitutes. Not sure why after that anyone should be surprised on his views on monogamy.

samantha bee is a damn national treasure, for two nations, and she can pinch her d**k between my legs any time she chooses.

Between destroying America, taking away people's guns and being a kenyan citizen, when did Obama find the time to be the founder of ISIS? Does he have a time turner like Hermione?