By all reports from all parties, the runner approached a stranger, got verbal consent from him, and they apparently redid the peck 3 times for a good photo.
By all reports from all parties, the runner approached a stranger, got verbal consent from him, and they apparently redid the peck 3 times for a good photo.
Can we talk about whether there’s a difference between being racist and being offensive? Sometimes things are racist, for example, statements that ARE influenced by stereotypes about race, but then also maybe not that offensive? I think it’s good to notice how your opinions about things are formed by biases, but then…
I wanted to know if it’s just me or if anyone else knows what I’m talking about.
I’ve never quite understood why waiting tables should be so much more “lucrative” than any other of the countless service jobs out there. Is it a hard job? Sure. I’ve worked in a restaurant and it was exhausting. But I’ve had other jobs that were hard and required treating assholes like royalty and paid much shittier…
I won’t say I disagree with you, but I will say that growing up I loved Miss Piggy for being a boss, and she was an inspiration to me. I knew her far longer than I knew of, say, Gloria Steinem.
“fun” is undeniably an important part of what makes any game good...
Had you not written this, I wouldn’t have known. Seems hella shady. Harebrained are a small studio and Shadowrun has had a small, enthusiastic comeback, but I doubt the majority of people know or care who is making these games. Feels like they’re piggy-backing off whatever success Harebrained has found.
If frats endanger the safety of their own members (hazing) and others (sexual assault) and promotes racism and misogyny (which it does) for the sake of school spirit, socializing, and “philanthropy” - yes, it is pointless and should be shut down.
Eh, I don’t feel too much sympathy to be honest. On the one hand, it’s always horrible when someone who needs a job loses a job, particularly a single mom. On the other, the internet is real life, and if you loudly complain that you don’t want your new job, what do you expect to happen?
Totally agree. “Hounded a woman out of a job she needed.” Cry me a freakin’ river. This wasn’t a witch-hunt and the daycare was 100% in the right to rescind her employment offer. Someone who openly complains about how they don’t like being around a lot of kids should not be in a daycare - the kids don’t deserve that.
The fact that you’re aware that you have to change the locks is probably a sign that breaking up is the right thing here. Also, I get that it’s difficult to get some distance and look objectively at the faults of people when you’re close to them and care about them and separate the innocent flaws from the toxic ones.…
I gotta be honest- I don’t like this lady from what I am hearing. :/ Sorry, OP.
And then she’d be pissed at me for calling her actions cute. And since it would come across as telling her what to do, she’d harass the poor woman anyway just to spite me.
As far as porn not being realistic, many people love watching actual amateur porn to get past that particular downfall. I’ve heard many people say they even prefer it over the professional stuff because they like the realism that amateur porn provides.
It wasn’t just a single event at the festival or even the festival itself. For years and years the Mich message board was a central rallying point for anti-trans activism. People got together and swapped hate speech about “mutilated men” and “ugly freaks” while working to stop legal protections against transgender…
Some of my college professors were like that. It’s so disappointing. Feminism is not about picking and choosing who is or is not a woman.
Hard to believe that the people who think spelling it ‘womyn’ is making an intelligent statement could possibly be ignorant in other ways, too.
Users can now send DMs to any of their followers, even if they don’t follow back.
It’s an opt-in, though. If you don’t want randos DMing you, just don’t enable the feature (I will not be).