
Oh thank goddess - I thought it was a cluster* of decaying, used condoms.

* Collective noun for a group of used condoms? Anybody?

My husband has PTSD, and because he developed it because of physical and psychological abuse in his home of origin plus a violent home invasion — not through military service — he already feels like his PTSD is somehow illegitimate. So I find your attitude to be unhelpful at best, and reinforcing the prejudice that

No, that cat knew exactly what he was doing.

She did not jump in the water. That means she does not want the ring or the fella.


Clay Aiken was actually outed by someone he'd sent pictures to and had cybersex with. I would have hoped for a bit more compassion.

Your Mom is awesome. The neighbour is a fucking shit head.

I mentioned some of this on another article recently. And this is really more of a full scale pregnancy horror, story, but here goes. So, it took me 3 years to get pregnant with my son. That included the indignity of a plethora of infertility tests and treatments. I ended up getting pregnant while we were on a short

To pretend that childbirth doesn't hurt is condescending and dishonest. So I have done what I could here on this thread. I have given my whole truth: Childbirth is worth it.

They're like the Santorums: something goes wrong, they publicize it while saying it's God's will, and then start trying for another.

I'm still sort of surprised that they announced it so soon. So, so much can go wrong in those first few months.

I think the bystander effect and cultural apathy towards sexual assault can actually create rapists and allow rapes to occur which otherwise would not.

My grandmother had 12 children in the days before birth control, and regretted each one. She'd never wanted to get married and have kids. She always wanted to be a seamstress/clothing designer. She was physically and mentally abusive to her chindren. My mother remembers that the only thing she did that could be

This man is revolting and sad.

You beat up a 3 year old. Congratulations, but don't expect us to be impressed or think you're doing the right thing. You decided to take your anger out physically on a toddler.

Dudes with lip rings are never not sketchy. Consider this your lesson for the day.

No, you defended Peterson. I quoted exactly what you said.

ironically enough female strippers have a higher than normal rate of physically abusive fathers.

The worst part about it is that Scott is by far the most likable out of all of them and the only one with an ounce of self awareness. Let that sink in for a minute.