Dear Liza, a hole

The show was great, but I wasn't nearly as impressed with his performance as I was GIllian Anderson, the girl that played Katie — heck even the little girl in the show was more impressive in my opinion. Again, the show was great but he didn't really show me any significant chops until his interrogation in the last

I don't even like Anita. I think a lot of her citations lack actual research and show that she's got only a surface-level understanding of how games work. Or that she has a team doing her research for her and takes what they tell her at face value and makes an argument off of that.

Why is that whenever someone (usually a POC/a woman/or a youth) gets praise for being eloquent there is always a comment in a rush to dismiss their eloquence and attribute to someone else. I never really notice this happening when WMs write something halfway literate.

I freaking LOVE this movie. #noshame

Isn't this almost the plot of that '90s movie Return to Me?

Is it weird that the poor grammar and syntax, spots where she lapses into BritSpeak for no reason at all (given that both of the main characters are American) and generally shitty writing were more of a turn-off to me than the whole rapey, abusive relationship angle?

Clearly they're all goofing off at work, baiting MRAs on Jezebel, like I am. And probably watching cat videos.

An account of a gay Holocaust survivor, Pierre Seel details life for gay men during Nazi control. In his account he states that he participated in his local gay community in the town of Mulhouse. When the Nazis gained power over the town his name was on a list of local gay men ordered to the police station. He obeyed

Sadly, more that than this:

I have CRPS in my right foot. Sorry you are dealing with it, too. I've never seen anyone else on Jezebel with it, so I was excited to see someone else on here, if that makes sense. CRPS is a special sort of hell. I also have a great pain management doctor who doesn't give me any problems.