Hopefully her family does care about her because honestly nobody else does...maybe Katy Perry was mean to her ‘cause she thought Ryn worked for craft service or something and didn’t say hi.
Yeah, that was my first thought, too. You’re not going to make it to the big leagues with an arabesque like that. :-/
This week’s Botched season finale features a patient named Penny who loves to wear corsets. “It might shift your…
Making her work in a Toll Booth is Juster wrong.
Yup. I’m not a big Ritter fan but I even watched Tennant in that bullshit US Broadchurch so I’ll be there!
Yes there are a lot of women like this. And is not it’s not just temporary due to stress or busyness. Imagine not wanting to have sex at all. Ever. For years. Now imagine being married. It’s a real problem
So he’s hot and he’s guaranteed not to be smarter than I am. Do I just put my X right here at the bottom, or...
I want to read this story. Please write this book.
I feel you. In this case, the doctor was my dad. “I paid $5000 for this scan to tell me something I already knew?” Thanks, dad.
First - you need a HUG. BIG HUG.
I love my bras, too!
Matter of opinion. Most of the busty girls I know prefer to wear one because not wearing one is just uncomfortable.
Homeless junkie pees on yogurt shop floor = sad and pathetic, needs help.
I guess that makes me and anyone who loves this film and soundtrack a loser then? Fuck anyone who can’t just allow other people to love a film. You want to act as though Garden State is terrible? It’s not. Is it the end all be all greatest film of all time? It’s not that either. But to act as though it’s irredeemable…
I feel very similarly to this about those feet shoes.
I came here for Dean. I wanted Dean to be here, I would quit Jez if Dean wasn’t here.
There is only one acceptable non-Rocky use for this song...