Right how much do we think Bob Saget and Candace Cameron actually hate each other?
Right how much do we think Bob Saget and Candace Cameron actually hate each other?
A friend of mine is dealing with this now. She dated a guy for a year, and when they broke up he threw a tantrum and put a video online. She didn’t find out; they eventually reconciled.
Fuck Rand, marry Bush (guacamole! Family money!), kill Donald. Of course, kill Donald.
Kill them all and have them reincarnated as a poor, pregnant undocumented worker living in the inner city.
Kill Donald Trump [obvs]
fuck rand
would i get a free fleece vest out of it or....?
You graduated in 1971 from college and are bragging about your SAT score?
I think maybe we’re a groundhog’s day situation. I’m going to grab a toaster and get in the tub to test out the theory.
The letters shared above don’t speak to the doctor’s character or reputation. They speak to the logistical unlikeliness of the scenario as it was reported, written by people who allegedly would know. There’s a difference.
Omg yes Stassa so many people don’t get that yes Hemsworth is pretty and muscular but Hiddleswoon is beautiful and thoughtful and a pure delight
I just saw this very video yesterday! I appreciated and enjoyed the first and second part. The first is the attorney going over historical and anecdotal examples. The second is the cop reaffirming everything the attorney said, and went on to give examples of how he tricks people into talking and confessing.
Not only did he plead no contest and serve time for that crime, he also served 18 years for another crime he didn’t commit and now 10 years for another that he (likely) should not have been convicted for. So, I guess I’m asking, how many years does he have to serve in total for the cat before you start to feel bad…
Stephen Avery is not a good guy. I cannot describe to you how much I hate animal abuse. But you know who it bites in the ass to then shrug because in this case the person the police were allegedly framing was not a good guy? All of us.
Beyond fucked up. They held the trial in a neighboring county but the jury pool came from Manitowoc county because the entire state’s jury pool was biased and contaminated from that press conference by the prosecutor.
While I don’t know if he did it or not, the police had 8 days alone on the property, which is apparently also unprecedented. They had every chance to collect other samples of Steve’s DNA, and they were obviously not very good about keeping logs and chains of custody.
One thing I feel pretty sure of is Brendan Dassey didn’t have anything to do with it. Watching the police coerce him into admitting to it was painful. I can’t believe they questioned a minor three times all without his mother. That was pretty messed up.
Nothing discovered by Manitowoc police (regardless of whether it was planted or not) should have been allowed in the trial. Maybe they didn’t plant it. Tough shit. You have a conflict of interest. Oh, you are a really nice family man and the lawsuit doesn’t mean anything to you? Tough shit. You have a conflict of…
This series is a rough one to take in no matter what you feel, as far as Avery’s innocence or guilt, and it depicts a flawed system. Regardless of the murder trial and all that, Mr. Avery was (obviously) wronged in the case he ended up spending 18 years behind bars for. In the meantime, a career predator walked free…