Lizabethie: of the New World

Eat a whole bowl of dicks, Mike.

This! It was weird to me that people felt the need to “take a side” in this. It’s not a game, celebrities could have just sat this one out- especially since it’s not as if people were asking *checks notes*, Elle Fanning to make a statement on this topic. 

And yet here you are.

he’s made two good movies in the last fifteen years” - what are his two good movies? Hell I can scarcely think of a non-pirates movie he’s been in since the early aughts. 


Aww, widdle baby is offended.

What a brain dead comment. Do you think Dodai Stewart or Tracie Egan Morrissey or Jia Tolentino would have a different take?? Maybe CA Pinkham would have agreed with you but that's cold comfort

This proves the point that everybody wants to believe the victim or speak out against abuse until it’s by a man they like. Even I could see that there was truth to his abuse towards her but people were too blinded because Edward scissorhands and his umpteenth time to recapture that

Yeah, it’s really weird to me that anyone still stands up for Depp. I say it was a red flag if anyone said they were standing up for him before the documents were released, but anyone standing up for him afterward is clearly a poor excuse for a human being. Which isn’t to say that Heard is a saint, but all of the

I wouldn’t say that. Johnny clearly started to be violent with Amber early on in the relationship. When she would leave his sister, his workers, and sometimes even her parents would intervine to try to get her to stay with him. It’s common for victims to try to leave up 7 times and it seemed like Amber left and got

One who knowingly surrounded himself with absolute pieces of shit for decades:

Marrying a woman young enough to be his daughter can also be seen as a red flag. Adding this to the alcoholism, the spending problems and the bad behavior on different sets paint the picture of someone having a very severe mid-life crisis.

This little incel troll continues to be such a sad fuckup.

Keep crying about vegans, imaginary embryos and the evil cabal of women like Amber Heard you fucking incel. Nobody cares about you and nobody ever will.

I don’t get it. Johnny Depp already seemed like a piece of shit before these documents were unsealed.

Clearly people are still picking sides so yes you did when you jumped in to comment. 

I can’t imagine liking anything about any of this; figuratively or literally.

So Amber is the one that filed the documents with the court through Depp’s lawyers?

thus proving he couldn’t have hurt Heard, because everyone knows domestic abusers have also abused every woman they’ve ever encountered.

The government is murdering people at the taxpayer’s expense, but the real issue is skirt length.